
The Giver By Lois Lowry: Chapter Summary

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Lea Vilna-Santos
English, 7th
September 1st, 2015

The Giver, by: Lois Lowry

Entry Log 8: Chapters 15-16: Questions 6 and 7:

In Chapters 15-16, Jonas shows signs of change and of coming of age when the Giver shows him a memory of love and family, but when he asks his parents if they love him they give Jonas a brief lesson on Precision of Language. Jonas starts showing that he wants to change their community. It all started when the Giver transmitted his favorite memory that Jonas loves. It had feelings of warmth, happiness and love. He returns home very happy and decides to ask his parents if they love him. But his parents explain to him that love is almost obsolete and if everyone goes around using very generalized words like love then the community can’t function well. At that moment, Jonas …show more content…

I think that he realises how much their community should change. After feeling love he wants everyone to know what love feels like. I think that he’s kind of frustrated but he understands that it’s no use arguing with his parents then because they were raised without feeling love. I think that love is not meaningless but a very strong word to use. Love means many things at once and, for me, it’s the opposite of meaningless. But it has started to become more used and has slightly lost it’s meaning in a way. But it’s new to Jonas and he explains that he hasn’t felt anything more meaningful. Later he talks to Gabe about finding a way to change their community so that they have Grandparents, colors, snow, and love. At the end of chapter 16, I read and I think that he will take action to change the way things are, to no longer have Sameness. But I know that, like the Giver said, the government doesn’t want change. They don’t want colors or love, so I think that some kind of fight will start in between them. Jonas already started by not taking his pill. First he transmits to Gabe some of his memories. Then,

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