The Giver is a classic novel that takes us to an interesting story where it begins with a young boy called Jonas who lives in a community free of pain and chaos. At the age of 12, jobs are assigned to the children, which they will spend most of their time on. Jonas keeps a distance from the community because he was chosen to become the so called "Memory Keeper". The community has been in a state where it’s free from all negative aspects of life for the reason that there’s someone who control and hide all the bad and good memories regarding the past. In my opinion I think that this situation has both cons and pros for the citizens because, despite the fact that they are preserved from harm, they are also not resolved to the wonderful aspects
The book “The Giver” was written by Lois Lowry in 1993. The book is about a community where there is no disease or penury, but you get little individual choice. The community is basically the perfect world, no war, drama, etc. In the excerpt from StudySync, Jonas expresses his concerns about his soon to be assigned career path to his parents.
'The Giver,' written by Louis Lowry, is a novel told in a perspective of a 12 year old boy by the name Jonas. Jonas and his family live in an 'utopian' society. Jonas shows us how the community he lives in, is flawed in multiple ways. 'The Giver,' transmits memories of the past generation including memories of love, joy, emotions, colour,
Summary: The Giver The Giver is a story about a boy named Jonas that lives with his father, mom, and his younger sister Lily in a sheltered community. This community regards age as an extremely important factor by tracking each boy and girl and assigning various labels based on their age. When Jonas turned 12 he was assigned his job. The elders in the community assign the jobs for the kids while Jonas’s friends and pears were assigned normal jobs he was selected to be the receiver a prestigious position.
The book The Giver by Lois Lowry is about a kid name Jonas trying to live in a so called perfect union. Jonas experience develops a theme over the course The Giver by teaching the reader for every action there is a consequence. Although some readers may believe that for every actions there’s not a consequence, Jonas’ experience shows that once Jonas leaves the community he suffers from starvation and also pain.
The novel, The Giver, by Lois Lowry, is an everlasting story that shows the importance of individuality. This novel is about a young boy named Jonas who was elected as the Receiver of Memories, a person who is given the memories from the world that existed before their current society, Sameness. In this society there is no individualism. People can not choose who to marry, or what they want to do for a living. Over time Jonas becomes more and more wise, and realizes that the supposedly perfect community actually has some very dark and negative aspects. The author, Lois Lowry is a 76-year-old writer who focuses her writing on helping struggling teenagers become individuals. Lowry had a very tragic childhood. After both of her parents were
Imagine a world with no feelings, no color, no choice; a world where individuality and freedom are exchanged for security and sameness. This type of world is a reality for Jonas, the protagonist in Lois Lowry’s The Giver. After being assigned the next Receiver of Memories in the community, where he has the capacity to see beyond. As he begins his works, he gains wisdom and through that wisdom, learned that protecting the community from the memories, their lives lacked understanding and feelings. Jonas goes on an archetypal hero’s journey and chooses to risk everything to restore memories and wisdom to everyone in the community. Throughout this novel, Jonas is represented as a hero considering he demonstrates integrity despite living in a
In the beginning, Jonas was your average 12 year old tween who was sensitive, polite, and compassionate. When Jonas was selected from to be the New Receiver, he felt “alone and apart” (77) as he spotted his fellow Twelves who received more of a ‘normal job’. Jonas is a perfect example of a dynamic character; a character in a piece of literature who changes in the book. The protagonist of The Giver, Jonas, changes his perspective throughout the novel. At first, Jonas believed his community was almost perfect until he learned about the choices that he, himself could make instead of having someone superior to him make the choices. For instance, Jonas “wanted to wake up and decide things like choosing a red or blue tunic” (123). Jonas could not because it was all the same old colorless color. Jonas didn’t have the ability to make decisions for his tunics seemed to be
The Giver is a book that is written by Louis Lowery. Giver is a science fiction novel that shows a futurist village with strict rules. The novel is about a young boy being selected to be the receiver in his village. Jonas has a rough time with be the receiver of his village. Jonas has a good home life.
At the Ceremony of Twelve, he is assigned the job of Receiver of Memory where he is the only one, along with the current Receiver of Memory named the Giver, who has the community’s collective memory. With this new ability, he can now sense and know how the community was before
The Giver is a 1993 American young adult novel by Lois Lowry. The novel follows a twelve year old boy named Jonas. He was selected to inherit the position of Receiver of memory, the person who stores all the past memories of the time before sameness. Jonas struggles with concepts of all the new emotions and things introduced to him. He lives in a community isolated from all except a few similar towns, where everyone from small infants to the Chief Elder has an assigned role. He seeks Reassurance from his father, a Nurturer. Jonas parents are not related to him. His mother, an official in the Department of Justice. His close friends were Asher and Fiona. Jonas has never seen snow, or a sled. Jonas’s father was a murder after injecting a baby with poison before putting the baby in a trash chute.
The Giver is in many ways Jonas’s coming-of-age story. Jonas reaches maturity only when he is given memory, and through memory, experience. In this way, Jonas becomes more mature at twelve than the "adults" of his community. But The Giver also teaches Jonas the wisdom to recognize his own shortcomings. Jonas truly becomes an adult at the
The Giver, by Lois Lowry, is a utopian novel about a large community that has made everyone almost the same. They have derived the community of color, pain, and inconvenience. Everyone is useful in some way and when they are not, like when they commit a crime or are too old to help for the better of the community, they are released. When the children come of age, age twelve, they are given a job that they will have for the rest of their lives and their job is determined by where they were volunteering during their mandatory volunteer hours before their Ceremony of Twelve. Although Jonas never really felt he wanted to volunteer at just one place so he kind of went everywhere, so he did not know what assignment he was going to get. Jonas got
The book The Giver it has another big conclusion that jumps out at you. That is how they do not have freedom of choice. Their personal rights are different from ours. In their society, the community chooses almost everything for them. This is different from our because we have the rights to go to the sky and back. Their society cannot even take an apple home from school. A good example from the book would be when the Giver says,”We gained control of many things(Lowry 95).”This shows us how in their community they have had many rights taken. This could also relate to us by how our government gets taxes. We can not help that just similar to the community in The Giver. Another example in the giver it says,”Then, in the middle of the night before the Ceremony, Jonas would secretly leave his dwelling. This was probably the most dangerous part because it was a violation of a major rule for any citizen not on official business to leave a dwelling at night”(Lowry 158). This shows us another way that has gotten their rights taken. We are able to leave our houses whenever we want. In the same way or fashion in our lives. We don’t get to make the laws. Our laws are far from being like theirs though.
The Giver is the story of a society with no color and little emotion, everyone is the same except for a certain few. There are some people that can see colors, feel true love, and have memories of a world that is in every meaning of the word, different. However, these people are kept somewhat secret, because if the world could know of such "difference", it would be chaos. However, while they are kept somewhat of a secret, they are also held at a very high status, and it is an honor to be chosen to be the next Giver. This story follows a young boy named Jonas, who has been chosen to be the new giver, and his experience going under training to become the new Giver. He finds it extremely frightening as his eyes begin to open to all
Would you want someone to take the freedom you deserve away from you? Most likely not, but because of the rules made in some places, people have no idea what the real world is like. People only get to experience a limited amount of what really is in the real world. In the science fiction novel, The Giver by Lois Lowry, Jonas tries to find Elsewhere because he is tired of living in a community with so many restrictions. During his journey, he faces many difficulties and experiences many problems he did not know existed. Sameness is a disadvantage because it requires people to follow the rules even when they think they are not right to and because it does not let people choose their decisions for themselves.