No one is perfect. No one can do nothing wrong. No one is God. In other words, there is not one place that everyone can be the same, or that everyone is pure with no mistake. A perfect place, a utopian society, are designed to fail, not one utopian society that the whole world can ever make will succeed. The Giver is a dystopian-fiction book by Lois Lowry, that seems that it is a utopian society, it is actually dystopian, Jonas realizes that the Elders has taken away everyone’s freedoms and individual-ities, for the so-called common good of the community it becomes more and more evident that the community is a bad place in which to live. When Jonas realize how important they are, he could not take the fact that the people in the community are …show more content…
“The life where nothing was ever unexpected. Or inconvenient. Or unusual. The life without color, pain or past," from Lois Lowry, The Giver. In the book The Giver, the story has no memories of the past, no color, and no pain, the community has been taken over by Sameness. Sameness has turned natural and normal to artificial and made up. People make, well, try to make, a utopian society because they are scared of what will happen if everyone was different and trying to be better than other people competing against them. “What if they were allowed to choose their own mate? And chose wrong?” Lois Lowry, The Giver. The Community of Elders were scared that that what was going to happen, choosing wrong, they think that when people have the opportunity to choose, they will choose wrong, and the Community of Elders couldn’t solve it, concluding to war and pain. They were scared of getting involved in the danger themselves so they made that rule to the community. Still, what can make a perfect place go …show more content…
A utopian society could go wrong in so many ways but mostly, it is because the people who control, or own the community are scared of being in pain or distress, they want peace and quiet. Jonas and his friends had something very important to them that the Elders have taken away, memories, “...without memories, it’s all meaningless…” Lois Lowry. Without memories in the community, no one can be themselves, no one can do what they want, and no one will have the happiness and sadness of the world. Memories are what makes a human, human, without memories, will you ever remember anyone in the world, or what happens to them? Memories makes sure that people will not make the same mistake twice, and since the Elders have taken it away, the people do not know the pain that they will receive if they make a mistake that will cause the whole community to collapse. A utopian society will not succeed, and never
Others will think badly of your utopia and will want to leave. Utopias are not for everyone, especially if they don’t agree. Living in a utopia is like living in a merry-go-round. It is always the same every day, nothing new ever happens. Everything always has to be perfectly the same, otherwise the government has to get involved.
The text ‘The Giver’ written by Lois Lowry and the film ‘Pleasantville’ directed by Gary Ross, both have utopia communities. A utopia is an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. Utopias present the illusion of happiness. In the effort to create a utopia many societies will shape their citizens to fit a set of ideals, whilst this can lead to a set of desirable qualities it can limit creativity and individuality. A lack of creativity and individuality in a utopia cause the people to perceive the idea that perfect worlds and societies do not require change, this consequently means improvements and progressions do not occur. Without improvements and progressions, it is still believed that utopias are perfect and free
In today’s society there are many authors who write dystopian novels. They write these novels to give knowledge and to tell how our world is very different from dystopian life. Lois Lowry shows readers how people can suffer in dystopian society. In The Giver, Jonas’ community appears to be a utopia, but in reality it is a dystopia because everyone is under the illusion that there is freedom, dehumanization, and their strict regulations.
The world that the narrator imagines is uniquely utopian because it is not static. It is constantly trying to improve itself. Before discussion of how Utopia constantly improves itself, it is interesting to note that this statement implies that this Utopia is not perfect. This is acknowledged near the beginning of the book when the two men meet a traveler who questions the establishment and would rather there be buildings. He says; "[Buildings are] a mere rash. Why should we men play the part of bacteria upon the face of our Mother?"(116). Still this he is not separate from civilization, as he makes, "some considerable way above the minimum wage" (117). This man’s protest of the establishment is the first hint that this new world does not claim to be perfect. In fact, later in the novel, the Voice admits that "There is no perfection, there is no enduring treasure"
The Utopians live in a society that is free from the grips of money and hoarding, one that is as close to perfect as one can feasibly imagine. It is a world where people get along together in harmony, with “nothing private anywhere” (More 231). The only have gardening competitions, and even their gardens are not permanent, dying with each passing year. They “change houses by lot” every ten years to keep people from hoarding earthly goods, and by doing this create a society where not only does everyone contribute, and everyone also communicates and relates to those around them (More 231). This happens in large part, according to More, because of “communal living and their moneyless economy” (More 269). Through this revolutionary and ideal living, they create a place where there is no bribery because there is no money, with
‘One man’s utopia is another man’s dystopia.’ This is a famous quote we must often bear in mind when writing about such topics and it is often fairly accurate. A utopian society, in this essay, will be defined as a “non-existent society that is described in considerable detail…” (Fitting, 1993, 1) and an ideal and visionary society that enjoys perfection in various fields such as politics, law and more as seen in Thomas More’s famous novel, Utopia. A positive utopian society is often impossible due to a variety of reasons, primarily human nature and the inevitable inequality found in these idealized societies. A prime example of how a utopian society is often impossible can be found in Andrew Niccol’s film, Gattaca (1997). The film Gattaca explores a new version of an idealized society, a utopia that revolves heavily around genetic engineering. In Gattaca, an individual’s future is delineated by his or
Jonas’ community appears to be a utopia, but, in reality, it is a dystopia. The people seem perfectly content to live in an isolated wreck—in a government run by a select few—in which a group of Elders enforces the rules. In Jonas’ community, there is no poverty, starvation, unemployment, lack of housing, or discrimination; everything is perfectly planned to eliminate any problems. However, as the book progresses and Jonas gains insight into what the people have willingly given up—their freedoms and individualities—for the so-called common good of the community, it becomes more and more obvious that the community is a horrible place in which to live. You as a reader can relate to the disbelief and horror that Jonas feels when he realizes
Most utopias that were made, usually don’t succeed. Utopias are to be known as a perfect society where everyone is equal. Utopias are a perfect world, but they don’t usually exist.
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Utopias have been a thing for centuries among centuries. They have been attempted over and over again in many different ways. My first opinion on why utopias don’t work is that it has never worked before. That is just a simple fact that always wins. A utopia has never worked in the past and predictably never should. A human will always want to be above. It is nature. Trying to make a civilization where everybody is on the same is most likely impossible. Despite
A utopia is impossible. Perfection is something that will not happen when every single person is different. People like different stuff, have different interests, and will not always get along with other people. But in a utopia, people always get along. It’s almost as if your life is uncontrollable and being controlled by the society. So it’s basically a constant pattern everyday. Something that’s really important as well is that yes, people are different like I said, but also have different features. What I’m talking about is disordered people, and other stuff that deflects these type of people from being “normal” in the modern society, and I don’t
Utopias are perfect societies, but do they even exist and when they perform, how long will they last? Utopias are perfect societies where everything is laid out for you and everything is so-called “perfect”. In a utopia you a disconnected from the outside world. Everything from your food to your housing is prepared for you. In the utopia, each person contributes equally so it is even and perfect. There are many rules in a utopia, but that is how they keep the utopia calm and perfect. Every once in a while a utopia will come and try to be a utopia. Utopias are not possible because of human nature and behavior. Even though there have been many utopias to pop up, utopias are not possible, one being the way people are and their capabilities to follow and be perfect because no one or anything is perfect. There are plenty of reasons why a utopia is not possible.
Let’s see if you agree. I don’t believe utopias can successfully exist on Earth. There are so many factors that have to work flawlessly in order for a utopian communities to be successful, and I just don’t think it’s possible. First off, something that we all know, nobody is perfect.
But not everyone believes a utopia is possible. Others say a utopia will never happen and every experiment will be a failure. For example,”If a utopia is possible, then why aren’t there any today.” Why say a utopia is possible if there aren’t any. Every utopian experiment was a failure. Some people will never admit defeat and will keep on trying. But this is false. Not every utopian experiment was a failure. For instance,”...Twin Oaks is one of the most successful of that era.” If every utopian experiment was a failure, then why was Twin Oaks a success and still is. This proves a utopia is
My first reason is that in a utopian society there are many things that can go wrong. Everyone has different opinions on things which will create conflict, not everyone will agree on the same thing. In the article the author states “ The criticism of utopia is that it’s impossible to achieve perfection, so why try?” J.C. Hallman, author of “In Utopia” ( 9 Utopias that Really Exist 93). In this article it discusses that some cases it has come to a realization that a perfect society is so impossible why try to make it work. There will never be a society where everyone has one opinion. Almost completely impossible to create. This proves that utopias are not possible because there have been many attempts to create this perfect world and they have failed. Therefore, utopian societies are almost impossible to create and for them to