
The Giver Setting Analysis

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The message of how differences in an individual has the power to go against a whole civilization of similarity is cleverly portrayed by Lowry using a range of techniques. By going against the grain of society in the novel, Jonas was able to ultimately save his community and restore memories of the past life, one with emotions, pain and most importantly difference. “The biggest challenge in life is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else”.The Giver is a fictional novel by Louis Lowry that revolves around a boy named Jonas growing up in a utopian world, a world without pain, suffering or violence. The author uses various techniques to convey to the audience how differences in an individual has the power to rebel or go against a whole civilisation of similarity.
Lowry uses characterisation and perspective to raise the aspect of being different. Jonas, the main protagonist within the novel is portrayed as a character who is different from the rest of the individuals within the community both physically and mentally. …show more content…

The isolated community filled with the same individuals behaving the same way makes it a perfect setting for Lowry to represent the power of difference and how it can ultimately go against a whole community of monotony. He uses rhetorical questions to question the reader into how someone could not fit into a community in which everyone is the same. “How could someone not fit in? The community was so meticulously ordered, the choices so carefully made.” He then quickly contradicts this statement by stating “If you don’t fit in, you can apply for elsewhere and be released” and also by introducing the character of Jonas who is presented to the audience as an individual who is different from the others. By doing this Lowry accurately depicts the power of difference and how it ultimately has the power to overcome

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