
The Giver Theme Essay

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Jonas lives in a community with no feeling and emotions what so ever. There is no pain, love, fear, or anything that will lead to a choice. When Jonas is selected as the new receiver of memory for his community, all of the emotions and feelings flood back to him from the world's past. In addition to Jonas now receiving all of these memories, he now learns to understand how important memory is to his community. To clarify, the theme of the book The Giver by Lois Lowry is that memory is important for human life.
The feeling of pain and struggle can help someone and many people to learn to understand each other. ¨Jonas felt a ripping sensation inside himself, the feeling of terrible pain clawing his way forward to emerge in a cry¨ (Lowry 151). …show more content…

¨We know that they once felt things like pride, and sorrow, and - and love¨ (Lowry 154). All of these feelings are critical for human life. It means that everyone can experience the different emotions that will help people grow and understand more as a real person in Jonas’ community. As well as having the feelings of memories, meaning how they make people feel looking back on them as well as knowledge by experiencing them. Whether it's embarrassing, painful, happy, or sad the feelings of memory is one of the most important parts for a person's life. ¨If you get away, it will mean that the community has to bear the burden themselves, of the memories you have been holding for them¨ (Lowry 155). When the author states how The Giver is telling Jonas about the struggle that would happen if he were to disappear, the memories could have been distributed throughout their community. To show how important memories are to not only feel but to acknowledge them. Memories are supposed to make people want to feel. Instead of having to hide the fact that everyone had feelings and forget about them. Everyone should be able to be aware of real emotions the way you're supposed

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