
The Good The Bad The Ugly Analysis

Decent Essays

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly During my academic journey at Calvin College I had my shares of good classes and not so great classes. I normally would categorized my courses based on personal outcomes: did I understand the context, was the class interesting, was the teacher teaching method applicable to my learning style, was the course valuable to my majors or minors. It is clear my method of categorization will be biased, but Jane Vella has identified 12 principles that teachers should withhold to give "adult" learners an effective learning environment. After learning the principles, the good classes incorporated the principles while the bad and ugly classes did not incorporated it, truly hindering my learning in the course. One of my favorite class is History 152: History of the West & World 2 taught by Professor Washington. This class went well because the teacher taught from the assumption that the rest of the 23 …show more content…

The lectures always went over my head, the level started off complex, not simple: sequence of content and reinforcement. The labs did not fully allow for you to practice what you learned in the lecture, instead the lab was just had the students following the directions. This took away from the principle: Respect for learners as decisions makers, "don’t do what the learner can do, don’t decide what they can decide" (15). This was an overall an important class for my major and it discourage me completely to take advance GIS because it made me feel like I did not understand STEM based courses. Vella or Paulo Freire would have gave my professor some tips on how to improve the learners experiences. His main downfall were the exams because there were no praxis: ongoing practice after he gave his lecture. Another thing he could had worked with is establishing a consultative voice instead a deliberative voice, sometime he or the TA would give me the answers without an

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