
The Government Entity That I Interacted With Was The Lamar

Decent Essays

The government entity that I interacted with was the Lamar School District Re-2 School Board in Lamar, Colorado. I attended a meeting on February 13, 2017 at Central Office, 210 West Pearl Street. The meeting started at 6:30 PM. I was not able to take part in the meeting because I am not a member of the board, but I was able to take note on what was being discussed and give a report about it to my student body government at my high school. There were many topics that were discussed at this meeting. The first section of the meeting was reports about the food service and financial standing of the school district. The food service report states that they have distributed 20,000 more breakfast meals than this time last year, yet they have …show more content…

It was approved and the meeting came to an end (February Meeting Minutes, 2017).
I did not attend the following meeting in March, and the minutes from the meeting have not been uploaded on Lamar School District Re-2 website.
The reason that I chose this body of government is because it directly is involved with my education. Every decision that is made whether it be from budge spending to curriculum changes, it will somehow affect me. I know that I am a senior and many of their choices that will be made the rest of this year will not affect me anymore. However, by going and seeing how the meeting are conducted and how the choices are made, I can better understand why they make the decisions they make. New policies and decisions will not affect me, but I do have a younger brother who still has two more years of high school. I want him to know that the choices made by those few people on the school board, have a profound effect on hundreds of children attending the schools in the district and should pay attention the decisions being made. From some of the discussions they have had since the meeting will really affect him and I feel like going and being an active member would help him understand why the decisions are being made. This was a good form of government to take part in because it models in a smaller setting what the United States government does. Also, later in life, it is important to understand and be informed on how decisions are

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