Every business has a product that it sells with a specific design. A product analysis helps the business to understand the product’s components, how it is processed, and its economic impact upon the business before it is produced. Before the Grand Valley Brewing Company can open its doors to business, it must first evaluate its product.
The Grand Valley Brewing Company (GVBC) is located in Grand Junction, Colorado, which is centrally located on the Western Slope. The median age is 37 with an average household income of $58,320 derived from the energy, agriculture, and tourism industries. Grand Junction has the best of both worlds – it is large enough to have the amenities of a city, yet small enough to be charming and community
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Another important factor to marketing a beer is how it is bottled.
There are many schools of thought when it comes to putting beer into a glass bottle or aluminum can. Economics plays an immense role when the decision has to be made whether to can or bottle beer. There appears to be a stigma associated with canned beer because consumers tend to think canned beer has a metallic aftertaste. Today’s advances in technology, however, have put that stigma to rest by lining the aluminum can with a water-based polymer. Furthermore, beer has many enemies, which impacts the bottling decision. Two of the greatest foes are oxygen and sunlight. Bottles tend to be expensive and are generally clear. When they are not filled to the top, oxygenation will occur and ruin a good beer. Sunlight will alter the compounds of hops while oxygen will quickly make a beer stale. Bottled beer also requires more labeling and extra packaging, which need to be disposed thus making them a not very environmentally friendly product and also makes it more expensive to produce.
GVBC is of the opinion a good craft beer should be canned. The benefits of using cans as opposed to bottles when bottling beer are numerous:
• Canned beer has very little headspace and makes it harder for beer to become stale
• Sunlight cannot get through aluminum
• Cans are lightweight thus reducing shipping costs
• Cans do not break making it easier to take beer on outings
Bottling decisions are a
The packaging process occurs after the fermentation. The beer flows to the keg, canning, and bottling lines when it our of the government cellar. There are five canning lines, three bottling lines, and a keg line can be run in the Winston- Salem brewery. The capacity for can lines is 1300 cans per minute, for bottle lines is 900 bottles per minute, and for keg line is 340 half- barrels per hour. For the five can lines, all the brands of beer can be canned at the same time, or one brand of beer can be canned with two different types at the same time. For three bottle lines, different bottle shapes and sizes can be filled at the same time, and new bottles and returnable bottles can be separated when filling and packaging. The packaging process also can be divided into two steps: 1. filling and capping and 2. pasteurizing. The packaging will
The same study showed in preliminary results that 61.29 percent of consumers prefer bottled beer over canned beer (Barnett, Velasco, & Spence, 2016). From my experience, craft beer drinkers prefer draft beer over both bottles and cans. As a result, Empty Keg will be distributed in draft form in the tap room. Additionally, Empty keg will be distributed in ½ kegs or 15.5 gallons, ¼ kegs or 7.75 gallons, and 1/6 kegs or 5.2 gallons for personal or bar use of the product. Empty keg will be produced in phase two in bottled form as the product moved from tap room and bar use to being available in grocery and package stores. Understanding the brewery and capabilities is important as this will establish the foundation for product
In the Midwest we love our meat and potatoes, and our boring beer. These are both hold overs from another time, when goods could not move as far, or as fast as they do today. Although some craft brews are completely original, most of them are variations on classic recipes. These personal touches are what give breweries their own identity. In one way beer is a lot like food; ingredients and styles vary regionally, but it all starts out much the same.
The question is should Boston Beer attack light beer market? And the answer is yes. Here are the main reasons why BBC should capture their opportunity.
The Coors Brewing Company was founded back in 1873 by two German immigrants Adolph Coors and Jacob Schueler. The two combined invested $20,000, $18,000 of which came from Schueler and the other $2,000 from Coors. The location of the brewery was in the mining town of Golden, Colorado. This location was picked because Mr. Coors believed the key ingredient in beer was the water source. The river that flowed through this mining town was perfect for his beer. The two investors worked together for seven years until Coors bought out Schueler and became the sole owner of the brewery in 1880. When prohibition finally hit Colorado in the year 1916, Mr. Coors was forced to find other means of making money. The brewery was converted to produce malted milk which he would then sell to candy companies. Four years after Adolph Coors passing, in 1929, prohibition is ended and his son, Adolph Coors Jr., takes over the family business. The distribution range of the company quickly expands and by 1948, it stretches across 11 states. It would remain this way for almost 30 years before they start to expand to try and reach a nationwide audience. In 2005, now in its fourth generation of Coors family management, the Coors Brewing Company votes to merge with Molson Brewing Company in Canada to form the Molson Coors Brewing Company. Together they are the world’s seventh largest brewer. Two years later
This is important because it is better for the environment and your cans will fall out
Following the repeal of Prohibition in 1933, the major breweries continued to use unmalted cereal grains to provide the full body and mouthfeel of a “real” beer while keeping the alcohol content low. The maturation tanks (they call them chip tanks) that Anheuser-Busch utilizes are horizontal and, as such, the yeast aggregates more quickly. Anheuser-Busch refers to this process as a secondary fermentation, with the idea being that the chips give the yeast more surface area to rest on. This is also combined with a procedure that re-introduces wort into the chip tank therefore activating the fermentation process again. By placing chips at the bottom of the tank, the yeast remains in suspension longer, giving it more time to reabsorb and process green beer flavors that Anheuser-Busch believes are off-flavors which detract from overall drinkability. As with most food products opinions differ regarding its taste. While some drinkers prefer the lightness of beers like Budweiser and consume it as refreshment, some beer writers consider it as being too bland. The beer is light-bodied with faint sweet notes and negligible bitterness, leading to reviews characterizing it as a “...beer of underwhelming blandness.” Despite these negative reviews, Budweiser has a 19.9 user share and accounts for 26% of sales volume in the regular domestic category,
aul Shipman, Chief Executive Officer of Redhook Ale Brewery, knew that he needed to reevaluate his strategy and its execution. Redhook's rapid growth had ended shortly after it invested in a major increase in production capacity. Operating at about 50% of production capacity, the company suffered a net loss in 1997 that continued into 1998. Redhook brewed only specialty beer, referred to as craft beer. Craft beer is a more flavorful, fuller bodied premium beer. follows traditional old world brewing methods. and uses high-quality materials. The company started as a microbrewery but grew continually and reached national status by the end of 1996. Shipman, one of Redhook's founders, had guided the company from a small
Molson Coors is a thriving international brewing company that has nine Signature Brew drinks and 123 Special Brew drinks that ranges from non-alcoholic to alcoholic (Molson Coors Brewing Company, 2016b). They have multiple markets around the world which contributes to the success of the company in the brewing industry. This report analyzes Molson Coors’ internal and external environments which determines their position in the brewing industry. It also discusses strategies the company uses in order to be successful in their industry. Molson Coors shares the industry with its main competitors but has its own uniqueness that makes its business stand out. Molson Coors is a successful business that presents opportunities for economic growth.
One of the Nation’s third-largest craft breweries, based out of Colorado, New Belgium Brewing Company, Inc. (the Company). The Company was founded in 1991, a privately held corporation. Its first operation started off in the basement of Jeff Lebesch (founder). The Company prides itself on its branding strategies “triple bottom line” and social responsibility which focuses on economic, social, and environmental factors. New Belgium’s marketing strategy links the Company’s viewpoint to the quality of its products. The Company continues to support the community, giving back & advocating positive change. However for continued success, New Belgium has to continually analysis its situation in the marketplace,
3. The great deal of bargaining power of supplier and customers cut down the margin of metal can manufactures.
Competitive brewers will introduce newer styles of beers to meet beer drinkers’ new preferences, more specifically lighter beers. However, both styles will be kept under the same brand
Initially, there have been many times that one procedure cannot produce the right outcome for what they are intended. Most times that system needs to be advanced or improved from the original. Canning is a procedure of disinfecting and sealing foods in airtight canister to conserve them. Before they invented canning their was limited methods for storing food. The techniques often difficult to make correctly and they drastically changed the freshness of the product. The discovery of Nicolas Appert helps wars with feeding the soldiers fibrous,nutrient food. Canned food plays an important part in war history and recent years. The invention has been in major production seens the 1810s and helps many people on an everyday bases.
And as an alternative for tossing those old bottles and cans out in the recycling take them in yourself and get some of your money back for recycling them. In Elizabeth Rogers book titled “The Green Book, The everyday guide to saving the planet one simple step at a time”, she states that “Anheuser-Busch, the makers of Budweiser, is one of the largest recyclers of aluminum cans and they even recycle more cans than they sell. Take it from them; the simplest of steps can make the largest of difference”.(106)
To a little boy, it may well seem that beer is necessary to every adult 's life. After all, we need it to make us laugh, to bond with our friends, and to celebrate our financial success. At least, that 's what advertisers tell him – and us.