
The Grandidier's Mongooses

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The Fossa is the largest carnivore and top predator native to Madagascar. Fossas feed on lemurs and almost any other creature it can find. These creatures have a similar appearances and behaviors as animals in the feline family. Fossas have retractable claws and catlike teeth to help it capture its food when stalking in the trees or on the ground, weather it be day or night. The Fossas ancestor, the original ancestor of the Eupleridae family, is unknown. But through its ancestors, the Fossa is related to Mongooses. Grandidier’s Mongooses Also known as the Giant-Striped Mongoose, the Grandidier’s Mongoose is a hard creature to find. The Image result for grandidier's mongoosetemperature in Madagascar is very hot and humid, so to keep cool the mongoose adapted itself to burrow during the day and hunt during the night, and unlike other mongooses, the Grandidier is very large. During the night, the mongoose eats invertebrates and other small organisms. The Grandidier’s Mongooses ancestor is the Ring-Tailed Mongoose, and through it, the Grandidier’s Mongoose is related to Narrow-Striped Mongooses. Also, through the Eupleridae family's original ancestor, it is also related to Fossas. Narrow-Striped Mongooses …show more content…

The Narrow-Striped Mongoose is almost exactly the same as its cousin, the Grandidier’s Mongoose. Although unlike its cousin, the fossa (whom the Narrow-Striped is related to) preys on the Narrow-Striped Mongoose. The Narrow-Striped gets its main source of food from preying on bird eggs. As stated earlier, the Narrow-Striped Mongoose is related to the fossa and Grandidier’s Mongoose (The fossa through the original ancestor of the Eupleridae family, and the Grandidier’s through the Ring-Tailed

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