
The Grandmother's Transformation In A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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Change is something that many people find difficult and tough to cope with as it goes against what that person may feel is correct or normal to do. Throughout ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find’ we are faced with a outdated old woman who's has her ways challenged to the point that her tone and attitude are completely revised by the conclusion of the story. Although from the beginning one would thing change is impossible with a woman such as the Grandmother, we soon realize when a self centred person is in danger they will do anything to live. Many people would feel no compassion or sadness in regards to the woman and her losses, primarily due to her racial negative attitude up until the bitter end of her life. The transformation displayed in ‘A Good …show more content…

Prior to the grandmother’s transformation in the story the reader can view her as bitter, narcissistic, somewhat conniving.The non existent remorse she displays is captured perfectly by the author during the grandmother’s time with Red Sammy. It is her that she declares to Red Sammy’s wife, “aren’t you ashamed.”(7). This is being said to his wife following her calling June Star saying “ain’t she cute”(7). The grandmother can be viewed as bitter when she tells Red Sammy, “People are certainly not as nice as they used to be.” (7) It is following this that her and Red Sammy are able to go on about the terrible situation that present day society finds themselves trapped in. The narcissism found within her is quite prominent throughout the early text where she decides it is her opportunity to pick the families vacation spot. The …show more content…

Being that it is a change intended for the reader to feel some type of compassion or minor sympathy for the grandmother even after she sets the family off track and gets on the wrong side of a national fugitive. In reality this change was one to be expected of any human facing a life threatening situation. Even at that we can still see the original ways of the grandmother glistening through. A great example of this would be when she says to the killers face, “I know you wouldn't shoot a lady!”(20). This statement is one that can prove her as one that cannot let down her pride even at times where it is life or death. One of the most baffling examples of the grandmother being unable to swallow up her pride and fully accept a change is near the turning point in the story when she says, “I believe I injured an organ.” (12) At this point the reader begins to feel near fed up with this old woman as she has time and again turned things she caused around to make others feel compassion for her. At this point after the family ignores her it seems she truly become helpless and beings to move into the helpless old lady role. It is directly before her death that we truly see a non snarky comment from her when she indicates to The Misfit, “Why you’re one of my babies….”(21) At this one moment the reader must stop and think maybe deep down inside of this elderly woman there was some good maybe she

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