Since decades ago, the natural heritages has become the increasingly popular attractions, attracting a large number of people to visit, mainly due to the growing concern of environment protection and the rising living standard. People pursue the uniqueness of attraction, which the natural heritages have, that there is a great demand for this activity. The GBR is the representative one, catering to the demand of millions of visitors annually. The tourism industry is flourishing and make a great contribution to the GBR while it also offer a valuable and enjoyable experience to visitors, generating mutually beneficial relationship between them. As the Great Barrier Reef (GBR)in Australia is the natural heritage, whose ecosystem is subject to …show more content…
source from Commercial marine tourism extends throughout the Great Barrier Reef,and tourism makes a significant contribution to the presentation, management and economic value of the Great Barrier Reef, contributing to sustainable development of GBR. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) and the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) are in charge of the management of GBR and manage and regulate tourism industry to ensure minimal impact on the marine environment by implementing the following policies • Policies and guidelines for tourism use of the Marine Park • Management arrangements at popular sites • Plans of Management • Zoning • Legislation • Field management and compliance source from The GBR cover the area over 348,000km2 and accommodates approximately 400 commercial tourism operators and attracts about 4 million visitors, generating more than $AU2 billion in tourism dollars, one of main economic income for Australian
Australia is in debt to The Great Barrier Reef as it has brought economic and environmental stability not just to Australia, but the World, from a business and ethical standpoint everyone must put an end in this growing issue.
The Great Barrier Reef is under threat due to many human impacts and natural impacts. These impacts lead to other consequences that may harm our society as well. For example, if the Great Barrier Reef was to be damaged by pollution, tourism levels would decrease, which can lead to a drop in the economic stance of Australia. For these reasons, it is important to keep our ecosystems safe and protected. Some of the human impacts towards the Great Barrier Reef include:
The GBRMPA as an organisation strives to protect the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park by ensuring all human interactions with the reef are ecologically sustainable and maintain it’s natural
Tourism in Australia has evolved over the years and continues to increase to this day, however it is the effects that tourists have the ability to place on the Southern Great Barrier Reef which are potentially threatening for, not only the reef of lady Elliot Island, however, the corals surrounding it. “International visitations within Australia alone reached 3.9 million visitors within the first 7 months of 2014, which was an increase of approximately 9.5%, a number which continues to rise” (Tourism Australia, 2015). However, with this increasing number, comes possible damaging effects to the surrounding reefs of Lady Elliot Island, possibly leading to the excessive damage of corals due to activities and infrastructure requirements
The author of the paper, Daly, while arguing against the maintaining of marine parks, brings forwards other people’s views as evidence to some very good points to support his position. Apparently, in Australia such Marine Parks are not easily accessible to a population which is largely city based, and consequently, equally inaccessible to the tourists, whom visit the country. Also the exorbitant fees may actually be out of the budgetary means of many tourists. It has been suggested that many tourists come to Australia, specifically to visit such marine parks. The country is an Island, surrounded by an ocean, an ocean full of marine life. Also a very healthy marine tours industry that
One environmental issues posted on the facebook group on Ecologically Conscious Social is climate change’s effect impacts on Great Barrier Reef where is one of the UNESCO world heritage sites. Great Barrier Reef is located in Queensland, Australia.
Because the GBR is such a highly visited tourist attraction for snorkeling and diving, there has been a large number of human structures that have been built in natural areas. Every five years, the Australian government publishes an Outlook Report that examines the Great Barrier Reef’s health, pressures, and likely future. “The report is required under Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975 (section 54) and aims to provide a regular and reliable means of assessing reef health and management in an accountable and transparent way.” The report shows the actions that have been taken since 2009, including the focus on improving the quality of water that runs off the land. The increased freshwater run-off is in direct relation to the coastal development that has occurred since the major bleaching events have begun. The report released in 2009, states that the greatest risks to the Reef are still climate change, land-based runoff, coastal development, and some remaining impacts of fishing and illegal fishing and poaching. The report points out climate change as being the main cause of the destruction or bleaching of the reef (Department of Environment and Energy 2017). Most observers conclude that the climate change is a direct result of human
The Great Barrier Reef is iconic. It has a central place in Australian culture and psyche, and a visit to the reef is reliably rated among the top three must do experiences in international surveys. The Great Barrier Reef has continued to evoke wonder and awe in visitors, from the earliest European explorers negotiating the “monstrous labyrinth of coral” by sailing ship, to the thousands of tourists who arrive annually to experience one of the natural wonders of the world.
One environmental issues posted on the Facebook group on Ecologically Conscious Social is climate change’s effect impacts on the Great Barrier Reef where is one of the UNESCO world heritage sites. The Great Barrier Reef is located in Queensland, state of Australia.
Have you ever wondered how Australia got to be the country with the 13th biggest economy in the world? Employment along the beaches of Australia is an enormous industry. Plus, rivers helped transport goods to where those goods were sold. Lastly, tourists help the economy by paying for a visit to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia’s clear waters. Australians use their country’s landforms to help support their economy through jobs, transportation and tourism.
GBRMPA is working with the Aboriginal inhabitants and Torres Strait islanders to provide sustainable laws on the Great Barrier Reef to maintain the traditions of the Aboriginal tribes and protect the reef. GBRMPA rely on Aboriginal inhabitants for their knowledge of the Great Barrier Reef as the inhabitants have live with the reef for many generations giving them more
The design of the GBRCS is effective as it approaches the matter in a holistic perspective. The GBRCS design takes into account the economic, political, social and environmental aspects. Various other policies, programmes and legislation have been considered and used as a base to form the GBRCS. The GBRCS clearly identifies the 4 major stressors on the reef and the policy / strategy in place to manage that issue which was strongly considered in the objectives formulation. The GBRCS plan outline also effectively lists and outlines the various national legislations that were used to help determine the direction of the GBRCS. The plan uses legislation such as the Environmental protection and biodiversity conservation act of 1999 (EPBC) and the Great Barrier Reef marine park regulation of 1983 to determine the individual species and ecologically significant sites that require
Human use and tourism is one of the main reasons the Great Barrier Reef is such an astounding place. The reef consists of more than 400 different kinds of corals, over 1,500 species of fish, and over 200 types of birds (2011). The tourism industry is a major contributor to the local and Australian economy. The range of activities for tourists include day tours, overnight and extended tours, snorkeling, scuba diving, fishing, whale watching, helicopter tours, and other services that capitalizes on the world’s fascination with it. (2011). The earliest occurance of tourism was in the late 1890’s, when this area became a
The UNESCO World Heritage meet once a year to discuss the preserve the world heritage sites. In July 2015 they decided not to put the Great Barrier Reef on the ‘in danger’ list. The Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Reef 20500 Plan). The
The Great Barrier Reef is a wonderfully magnificent creation put on this earth by God for us to enjoy. The reef is located in the Coral Sea right off the coast of Queensland. It is composed of 2,900 individual reefs and together makes up the largest structure on earth composed of living organisms these organisms are called coral polyps. The Great Barrier Reef is so enormously large that it can even be seen from outer space!