
The Great Depression Cause And Effect Essay

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It was October 29, 1929, also known as black Tuesday. The Great Depression had begun. We are going to backtrack a little-bit to before the depression. The Depression was during the 30’s, the main idea here is the “causes”, including: the roaring 20’s, Black Tuesday, and bank failures. The roaring 20’s was a time of electricity and new inventions such as the automobile. Everybody wanted all of these new things although they did not have any money. The strategy they used-installments. They asked the bank or others for some money and then bought the stuff they wanted. This brought the middle-class living like the rich. Not only did the roaring 20’s bring the Great Depression after, but it failed banks all over America. The banks were now failing leading up to black tuesday. They were loaning other people's’ savings even if the payback was very unlikely. Also when folks noticed that the market was crashing they were taking their life savings out, costing all the money to be gone in a matter of weeks. Today-because of the “New Deal”-the bank insures you up to “this amount” if the bank fails. Back then this wasn’t the …show more content…

With over 16 million stocks sold on Wall Street, stocks were now almost worthless and money was gone. Billions of dollars were lost, leaving many business owners out of money, or work. Not only did this stock crash hit America, but the whole industrialized world. This was just the major turning point of the long, harsh, downward spiral from 1929-1939 (the Great Depression). There are many more causes such as the Federal Reverend, or President Hoover’s actions. But the main reasons-I feel-were these three topics, the roaring 20’s, bank failures, and Black Tuesday. If President Roosevelt had not taken the federal leed and put America in the first step, WW2 would not have brought America out of the Depression. The New Deal and it’s takes were a great lead out of the Great

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