
The Great Flood: The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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The oldest text is called The Epic of Atrahasis. This text survived on three tablets from the reign of king Ammi-saduqa of Babylonia from 1647-1626 BCE. Despite all of the evidence in favor of an actual flood some still choose to believe there was no flood. Some call the story a myth. Even though I believe that the flood actually happens. I can see how some would say that the story is a fable. As a matter, some people do not even believe Noah ever lived. They are some pretty good evidence that support this story not being true. The evidence for this story being true is found in a plethora other accident scriptures. For example, scientist, archaeologist, and historians all justify their reason for their reasons for believing in the flood of Noah. In the book of the …show more content…

Mankind was created but their population increases and their noise disturbs the gods. “The supreme god Enlil decides to wipe out all humans with a Great Flood, but Enki, who has created mankind, betrays the secret to Atrahasis in a dream, and orders him to build a ship. There is a brief description of it, focusing on its roof, and a description of Atrahasis' speech to the Elders of Šuruppak, an element that was not copied by the author of Genesis, but returns in Quran” The second text was called Epic of Gilgamesh. “This book was written in c.1100 BCE, and contains much information that was composed earlier. This story talks of the king of Uruk, Gilgamesh who is on a quest for immortality, and meets Ut- napistim, he was the survivor of the Flood. The copies of the Gilgamesh Epic discovered by Layard and Smith came from the world-class library of the Assyrian king Assurbanipal in 668–627 B.C. The tales of Gilgamesh, the bold warrior-king of Uruk, are much older, however; many of them date back to the Sumerian period (third millennium B.C.E.). In the Old Babylonian Period (early second millennium B.C.E.), the various adventures of Gilgamesh were strung together in a cohesive narrative, which was

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