
The Great Gatsby American Dream Essay

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The American Dream The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, presents a contrast between the wealthy and the penurious. The novel was set in the early 1920s right after World War I with a very prosperous economy. The novel began with the narrator, Nick, introducing the idea of social class by talking about the difference between East Egg and West Egg. This geographical barrier represented “old money” and “new money”, later in the novel he introduced the Valley of Ashes which symbolized “no money”. Nick was cousins with Daisy, who was married to Tom Buchanan, they represented old money and saw themselves as a higher class. Jay Gatsby was neighbors with Nick and he symbolized new money as he came from a poor family and worked for …show more content…

Secondly, people who were new to money, such as Gatsby, were looked down on as they had to work for their money and they came from a necessitous background. The people who are considered “old money” see “new money” as tasteless, and without class. Nick, who lived in West Egg, and was a symbol of new money noted: “I lived at West Egg, the - well, the less fashionable of the two, though this is a most superficial tag to express the bizarre and not a little sinister contrast between them” (Fitzgerald 9). This quote highlights the fact that the two groups of people are close in proximity and are both wealthy, living on the “new money” side is looked down on and they will never be accepted by the people who grew up with money. Thirdly, the people with no money, such as Myrtle and George were geographically separated by the Valley of Ashes. The people who lived there worked hard and dirty jobs, such as George, who worked at a gas station and was a mechanic. They would constantly admire things of greater value and they would dream of being able to afford anything of greater value. Finally, there was a distinct elitism of people of higher class, people were always comparing their wealth and tried to put others down. For example, Tom, Nick, and Gatsby were in a restaurant and Tom implied that Gatsby and Nick were too poor to be eating

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