Olivia Palomo
Ms. Charles- Period 7
English lll Dual Credit- 1302
The Great Gatsby Essay Final Copy What You Don’t Know Won’t Hurt You
Prompt: What does the novel say about compassion versus profit? Is greed good? Finding people you can confide in is essential to a person’s growth in maturity. With these friends, you are able to reveal your secrets and past in order to receive advice and inspiration. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby, the author expresses how compassion can be proven by suppressing the truth of others. Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald uses characters that thrive in a superficial society. Their wealth has created conflicts that do not regularly occur in one’s everyday life. Some conflicts
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He only wanted to protect Daisy and choosing to hold this piece of information prevented her from acknowledging the harsh truth. Tom and Daisy chose to be compassionate due to the fact that their wealth sets them up on a high pedestal in society. They have no moral obligations for each other. Their marriage is only there as a front and not based on being in love. After the death of Myrtle, Tom and Daisy sit “opposite each other” with a sense of “natural intimacy” as if they were “conspiring together” (144,145). Although they are not in love with each other, they continue to show compassion in order to benefit from a higher social status. In the past, their love might have been genuine and true. That was after Gatsby had left for war. Daisy and Tom grew to love each other and their flaws and continued to live a life in love until one day they did not. Both, indirectly decided that being together in wealth and fame is better than being apart. Nick and Gatsby also have a relationship based on compassion. Gatsby and Nick have only known each other for a short amount of time, but Nick does not expect much for Gatsby. Nick values Gatsby’s companionship more than Gatsby’s wealth. In the beginning of the novel, Nick is bombarded with accusations of who Jay Gatsby really is. Rumors from attending Oxford University to murder are created about Gatsby. When Gatsby finally introduces himself as Jay
Daisy, on the other hand, seems at first as though she truly does love and care for her husband. While Tom keeps himself at a distance in both relationships, Daisy seems to possess an outright need for his company. This is supported by Jordan’s recollection of Daisy’s behavior towards Tom after marrying him: “If he left the room for a minute she’d look around uneasily and say: ‘Where’s Tome gone?’ and wear the most abstracted expression until she saw him coming in the door. She used to sit on the sand with his head in her lap by the hour, rubbing her fingers over his eyes and looking at him with unfathomable delight” (Fitzgerald, 76-77). That being said, there are in fact several signs that point toward Daisy not loving her husband at all. Perhaps the most notable is her behavior just before her and Tom’s wedding ceremony, when she is found “lying on her bed as lovely as the June night in her flowered dress – and as drunk as a monkey. She had a bottle of Sauterne in one hand and [Gatsby’s] letter in the other” (76). Daisy goes so far as to even momentarily call off the marriage altogether, ordering the bridesmaids to “tell ‘em all Daisy’s change’ her mine. Say: ‘Daisy’s change’ her mine!’” (76). Why, then, does she marry Tom after all and seem so in love with him afterwards? People usually seek out partners who will make them happy, protect them from that which they fear, etc. What does Daisy fear? She
Throughout the Roaring Twenties (20s), “the parties were bigger. The pace was faster, the shows were broader, the buildings were higher, the morals were looser, and the liquor was cheaper” (Fitzgerald 112, My Lost City). The 1920s was an innovated evolution, away from traditional morals of many Americans to those values less conservative and open-minded. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby, and Ernest Hemingway’s, The Sun Also Rises, act as an exploration of Americans’ shift in values, post-World War One (WWI). These authors do so by commenting on the excessive partying and drinking, the falsification of relationships, and the lost generation of the veterans who fought in the Great War.
‘ "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone," he told me, "just remember the advantages that you 've had..." In consequence I 'm inclined to reserve all judgments.’
In, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the characters in the story are shown to have enormous wealth and live in the areas of East and West Egg. Jay Gatsby lives in West Egg, while the Buchanan 's live in East Egg. Although both are rich beyond belief, (the Buchanan 's from old money. Gatsby from new money), both Gatsby and Tom Buchanan reach for more and more from life. This appetite to gain and gain could and did have tremendous repercussions. Not only repercussions to their reputations, but also repercussions to their life with loved ones. By examining Gatsby and Tom in, "The Great Gatsby," and their inability to be content with what they have, one can determine how being unappreciative can lead to consequences such as death, love lost and soiling of reputation
“The Great Gatsby” is a boiling pot of greed and self-pity. Far too often someone cheats another, or acts as though they are superior to another, especially within this complex story, though it is based primarily around love it is more often than not driven by some form of greed or jealousy. For example Mr. Gatsby desperately wants Daisy and is willing to go through many unpleasant means to get to her, in addition to his reckless pursuit of a married woman, Gatsby has also acquired his riches through less than honest means. “The Great Gatsby” shows that some people think themselves superior to others and often act only in their own interests.
In The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald has a running theme that excessive wealth and materialism will lead to carelessness, corruption, and destruction. Most of the characters in the book reflect this theme, like Tom and Daisy as they were careless to run away from their difficulties because they have the money and leave their mess for someone else to clean it up. However, some characters go against this theme, like Jay Gatsby. He came from a poor family, but grew to become a gentleman, and used that to lead another life, become rich, and one day would get the girl of his dreams. He uses that money on parties for the people and trying to get Daisy to go with him. Then there is someone else in real life that goes against this theme named Elon Musk. He found his money through the internet as he started his career founding companies, one of them being Paypal. He now uses this money to prolong humanities survival with companies such as SpaceX and Tesla Motorsports. The American Entrepreneur Elon Musk and Jay Gatsby goes against Scott Fitzgerald’s theme of excessive wealth and materialism will lead to carelessness, corruption, and destruction by using their money generously.
I feel bad for Daisy in the beginning because she knows that her husband, Tom has “got some woman in New York”(Fitzgerald 15), but can’t do anything about it. She has to deal the unloyalty of her husband and she can’t say anything about it. I think it’s because she doesn’t want a divorce so she doesn’t do anything to stop her husband. Tom doesn’t show much affection towards Daisy and Daisy doesn’t show any back, so I feel like they have a dead marriage. They have no love for each, but they are
Colors can invoke feelings for people. Certain colors are attached to moods. Red can represent anger, green sometimes represents envy and blue can represent calm or even melancholy. Much art, music, and literature is dependent on color to convey the intended mood of the artist. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby, a man with wealth, power, and possessions is on a quest for the dream that he will never attain. He cannot have all that he already has plus the true love of Daisy. Fitzgerald creates his own unique motifs surrounding certain colors and uses these colors to emphasize the futility in Gatsby’s quest for this dream. Through the use
"Never has symbolism played such a crucial part in the very foundation of a novel as it does in Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece, The Great Gatsby." Harold Bloom has written about this book. The author used several types of symbolism in The Great Gatsby. The colours are probably the easiest to be recognized and guessed what they symbolized. According to the definition “symbolism” is "the practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships."
he’s close to. The only thing he wanted to do in the story is getting close to Daisy again once he
For a outsider the life of Tom and Daisy seem like a dream. But behind all this is a mask, Tom and Daisy relationship isn’t as dreamlike as people believe it to be. In reality Daisy married Tom for his money. Right before Daisy’s wedding she received a letter. Breaking down Daisy through off the pearls around her neck and exclaimed, “Take them down-stairs and give ‘ em back to whoever they belong to. Tell’ em all Daisy’s change’ her mine. Say: Daisy’s change’ her mine!”(77) Yet thinking money would make her happy Daisy drinks her way to the altar, and marries Tom, even after her meltdown where “She began to cry-she cried and cried.”(77) She cried for the fact that she was in love with another man, who happens to be
The point that I am going to talk about the story The Great Gatsby is the way they took care of materialistic things all through the story. A vital topic of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is riches and the procedure of achieving it. This longing for material riches and belonging is known as realism. Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan are both amazingly materialistic and put a great deal of quality into the belonging and abundance of a man while Nick Carraway doesn 't show any materialistic cravings and complements the complexity between characters. Gatsby 's realism is driven by his yearning for riches. He adores the thought of Daisy since she is the encapsulation of riches and the perfect way of life of ceaseless overabundance. Daisy then again speaks to a definitive materialistic way of life. She doesn 't have the same aching as Gatsby since she was naturally introduced to a privileged family. Rather she underestimates inordinate living and is entranced with all things lavish on the grounds that she needs to keep up the riches she has and never lose it. Scratch is the special case to the guideline. He stresses the divergence in the middle of himself and Gatsby or Daisy. He is the control to whom Gatsby and Daisy can be thought about.
In the book, The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby is exemplified through many symbols and idols. Fitzgerald uses cars to represent wealth, success, status, and glamour. As Friedrich Nietzsche states, “There are more idols in the world than there are realities.” Nietzsche’s quote shows how idols and symbols are used to create impressions. Images are powerful and set a stage for others to judge one’s character, enabling human beings to avoid seeing what realities are. Idols are potent enough to mask the truth. In the novel, despite Gatsby 's own insecurities, he is viewed as an idol in society. Idols impact and influence Gatsby’s life and those living around him. Gatsby’s car represents an idol, illustrating his wealth, capturing attention, creating impressions, and covering misconceptions throughout life in the West Egg.
In the novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, there is an importance of relationships. They can be between lovers, friends, and families. The novel shows these, but also the wrong types of relationships such as people having affairs. People form relationships so they are not alone and they try to stick together through the hard times and the good times. In every relationship there are differing situations that affect the outcome and success of the relationship.
Daisy’s and Tom’s relationship is about pure loyalty. Even if it doesn't involve them being loyal to their love,we can say that as Daisy is loyal to Tom’s money and reputation, Tom is loyal towards Daisy’s sedactive and perfect image. One of the things that keeps them together is, how they both are very cruel and selfish. As told by Nick,”they were careless people, Tom and Daisy. They smashed up things and creatures, then they would retreat back into their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together.