
The Great Gatsby Quotes

Decent Essays

The Great Gatsby is a novel written by author F. Scott Fitzgerald that tells the story of many characters through the eyes of one of the main characters, Nick Carraway. In chapter eight (pg.121), Nick states: "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together and let other people clean up the mess they made." Throughout this novel, there were multiple events that took place that made Nick think this of them. There were also details about Tom and Daisy Buchanan in this novel that caused me to gain this "negative" opinion about them as well. By the end of this essay, you will know my interpretation of Nick's …show more content…

The couple went throughout the novel, mainly the last three chapters, causing destruction amongst other characters in the story and when all was said and done, they disappeared. Three characters – Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, as well as Gatsby himself – had died by the end of the story due to their selfish actions, yet according to the novel (chapter nine, Pg.111), the duo decided to pack up and move to somewhere unknown without telling a soul. How could someone be that self-absorbed and cause that much commotion among the characters, among the town that they resided in, then leave as if nothing happened at all? Carraway is saying that Daisy and Tom Buchanan were careless because they ruined multiple lives, then "...retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together...", which means they could fall back into their riches and the so-called "love" that they had for each other to run away from their difficulties or mishaps. Due to them running away, it makes their problems fall onto Nick- or others like himself- who ultimately feels as if he's the one left to clean up their mess. There were three main instances where Tom Buchanan caused Nick to form the previously stated opinion of the two, whereas for Daisy there were only …show more content…

Myrtle Wilson, Mr. Buchanan's mistress. Tom Buchanan showed the first signs of his reckless behavior in just the second chapter (pg. 29) of the novel when he "broke her nose with an open hand." My other example would also be found in chapter two (pg.27.) which is the fact that Tom had been somewhat leading Mrs. Wilson on by making her believe that he would marry her and run away West. Myrtle's sister, Catherine, states that, "It's really his wife that's keeping them apart. She's Catholic and they don't believe in divorce." Nick then goes on to say, “Daisy was not Catholic, and I was a little shocked at the elaborateness of the lie.” This shows how Tom was using Myrtle without a care in the world, stringing her emotions along as if it were a game. My third and final reason to support Nick’s opinion is how Mr. Buchanan set Gatsby up to be killed. Although he was Myrtle’s secret lover, he led her husband to believe that Jay Gatsby was the one who wrecked his marriage, or as some would say “happy home”. After the death of his wife, Mr. Wilson was determined to find out who owned the yellow car that had killed his wife. He was angry and intoxicated the night he went to find his wife’s murderer. In chapter nine (pg.121), Tom stated that he had told Mr. Wilson,” What if I did tell him? That fellow had it coming to him.” Indicating that he had, in fact, told Mr. Wilson that Gatsby had murdered his wife when that

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