
The Great Train Robbery: The Mind Behind The Crime

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The Mind Behind the Crime “Why did you do it?” It is the ultimate question asked when confronting a guilty criminal. However, this question usually remains unanswered and up to interpretation. Committing the “crime of the century” takes a manipulative plan along with a clear motive. In Michael Crichton’s novel The Great Train Robbery, respectable gentleman Edward Pierce, was the mastermind behind the robbery in Victorian England so he could take pride for his successful schemes. With wealth that predated the renown robbery, Pierce gathered a compelling team for his dirty work. He only accepted the elite criminals, as he commanded,“Tell him the next topping and he’s over the side, or he’s not Clean Willy” (Crichton 38). Pierce broke a man out of prison to fulfill his impeccable team along with his goals of endless satisfaction. As the mind behind the crime, Pierce gave duties to his ‘dream team’ allowing him to watch his plan fall into position. Agar, whom Pierce was most dependent upon, was directed strict orders. There was a moment when Agar asked a question about the timing of an arrangement, and Pierce replied, “When I inform you,” (24). Since Pierce conceived the devious plot, he commanded everyone orders as if he was …show more content…

It was a priority to stay one step ahead of everybody else. Pierce would leave a room in mid-conversation and, “grin at Agar’s perplexed look” (172). Being in control aroused amusement within Pierce. In dealing with people he was not as comfortable with, he would even keep his identity a secret. Burgess, the train guard, asked Pierce, “Is your name Coolidge then? You said Simms…” (197). In order to cover his tracks and keep his name out of the air, Pierce made sure he covered himself on all angles. In essence, Pierce always put himself over the group by never letting anybody know his true

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