
The Greatest Accomplishment Is Not In Never Falling Essay

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Once stated by Vince Lombardi, “The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.” This quote connects so much to how life obstacle can influence a positive outlook on many thing. I spoke with one of my close friend, they once stated how they used to hang with the wrong crowd of boy. Smoking, drinking, fighting, and failing in school. My friend got caught up one day been around his crowd of friends who happen to be in an argument with someone else. Guns were pulled out and he happened to get shot because of the crowd he was hanging with. He took that experience and learnt from it. He no longer hung with the group of people who place his life on the line. He figured out that the things he happen to be doing was wrong and could have cost him his life.
Without a doubt I don’t believe anybody would get far in this world if they don’t do the right thing. If you go around and don’t do the right thing it will catch up with you at the end. It may seem at that point and giving time you are caught in a bind and you just don’t want to do the right thing because you don’t think it is the right choice it is at the end of the day. The choices you make can affect you in a positive way or it …show more content…

When it is all said and done you would want to make the right choice so if you do fall you can fall with your head high instead of them finding out you lied and you fall with your head between your legs full of shame and you not gaining no one’s respect at the end of the day. If you fall with at least you will fall with your pride and people will respect you for that. If you fall but you had to lie no one will respect you and they will remember you as a no name. I know any and every one would want to be remember this is why you should do the right thing because at the end of the day it will get you far in

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