Greatness of Art
Art is present in every person's life in greater or lesser degree. But what is it really? The Oxford dictionary defines art as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. People often don't realize that they have a contact with art in their everyday life. But is it important to ask yourself a question, is art important and should we as a community promote and provide access to art? The answer is very simple. It is beneficial for a community to have better support and access to art. Art can be a way to express ourselves, it can be a way of living, and it can strengthen the economy.
First of all, art can be a way to express own feelings, emotions, and experiences. Oscar Wilde said “It is art, and art only, that reveals us to ourselves”. Undoubtedly, art is a crucial element in our life because it allows us to spark our creativity and innovation. Art is a very extensive subject, some of its subcategories are: plastic arts, acting, photography, literature, music, and dance and all of them help our creativity. For example, one form of art which lets us expand our knowledge is a film, but unfortunately, the film is presently taken as a form of entertainment, and not as an art. The last but not the least form of art on which I will focus is music. Music can be a form of entertainment or just a
The Importance of Art A lot of people have mixed feelings on what the true definition of what art actually is. In a dictionary, it is defined as “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” () Art plays a very important role in our society. It comes in many different forms and it can be found anywhere and everywhere around us.
Public art plays a very important role in our society; it has existed in a variety of ways across the world to provide us the opportunity to express ourselves. It is a part of our daily lives and can have enormous meaning to the different existing cultures in the world. Art gives us the opportunity to show others what we feel, what we think, what we hope, what we love or hate, what we want to change, how we visualize the future and what motivate us. As humans we have the natural necessity to express those feelings, our thoughts and to be understood by others.
Art is a particular form of social consciousness and of human activities, an important way for people to perceive, discover and improve life: according to the laws of beauty. It is the creation of tangible or intangible products containing great values of thought-aesthetics, cultural character, and emotions. In this sense, there are numerous types of art. Painting is one of the oldest forms of art on earth. From prehistoric times, artists not only used it to communicate, but they also used painting to entertain the viewers. Painting can be transformed, eliminating the tedium, fatigue, and stress in daily tasks to bring the joy. Fun in life or silence for the soul. In other words, painting is a language that communicates an artist 's ideas
Art, whether it be film, television, visual art, theater and many other forms, many of times it is seen upon as purely as entertainment. However, these entertaining entities offer so much more than just entertainment. All of these different forms of entertainment provide a different insight of the
While art is only a hobby to some, it can be a source of happiness and closure to others. Art, literature, and music have helped numerous people through challenging times, being an outlet in which one can let their emotions out. This being said, struggles such as addiction and depression can have an affect on an artists work. Many artists would not have the same quality of work they have today if they did not channel their emotions through art as a outlet. Sharing experiences through art is one of the most timeless ways to tell a story, dating way back to some of the first pieces literature and music created. Art is one of the biggest outlets in which one can let their emotions out in a healthy and effective way, sharing one’s story, getting their feelings figured out, while impacting the quality of work that is created.
Music surrounds everyday life no matter where you are in the world. Hollow objects make notes when hit. Small wooden reeds, bamboos, and shells whistle when blown into. Anything tightly stretched twangs when plucked and the human voice has a delightful ability to go up and down at will. Even when wind rustles through the wind, birds chirp, or ocean wave’s tumbling is nature’s form of music. I constantly find myself being enthralled by the various forms music. You could say that in sense music as a whole is a form of art. The sounds that entwine harmonize, are rhythmically pleasing, have dynamics, etc., come together as a whole in order to compose a song. “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” (Confucius)
Art is a good observation and it's interesting as well. It lets us think it’s a lesson from the past. It’s also a good benefit to us. Art lets us incorporate techniques into our own experience. I think art wants us to see what the world is like. It wants us to see the image of the people or whatever the image holds and analyze it. It also, lets us observe by looking at events,
Again, art is a sort of propaganda. It's used to give a message or emotion to a circumstance. Art is also comparative in some prospects, in order to interpret why artists create this work is to look at the past and history. However, it cannot be applied to all works of art. Art is universal, meaning that many respective people can relate to a single work of art. It can also be used as a type of communication between people. Art is apparent within each organized religion. Meaning is sent through the paintings of
For the purpose of this research I am defining arts as a form of expressing ones
Art is a way for humans to express creativity and imagination in various mediums of work. Art can come in the forms but are not limited to paintings, sculptures, architecture, statues, dramas, plays, music, and dance. To me, art is something that causes the person observing the artwork to feel a certain emotion such as pain, love, fear, or sadness. A great piece of artwork can make the viewer almost feel like they can replace themselves with those involved in the medium and feel the exact emotion as those in the piece feel. An example of this would be viewing the play Cyrano de Burgerac, where the playwright or artist of the play makes it possible for the viewers’ hearts to break as Roxane tells Cyrano how great the words of
A lot of people think that art can only go as far as a class in school, but in reality there is art around everyone. Art can be a way of life for some people, and for others it is simply just something they pass every single day. What they do not realize is that art can have benefits in different aspects in their life, in children's lives, and even the world around them.
What is art? Can it be defined in any single painting, or sculpture? Is it even something that can be seen, or does it have to be experienced? The term "art" is so vague that it can be applied to almost anything, really. Mostly, however, art should be that which frees our imagination. It connects our conscious with our subconscious, putting into a visual form what we feel and think. It allows us to explore our inner self and fill that urge to understand our minds and our universe. Art helps us to see beyond the ordinary, to see what is in our hearts without being blinded by reality. When an artist creates a painting, it is not to create a picture; it is to create a feeling or mood. The purpose is to convey an emotion, and, it is
Art is the expression of human creative skills and imagination characteristically in a visual form such as painting, drawing, photographs or sculpture producing works of arts to be valued primarily for its beauty or emotional influence.
Art is an object or piece of work that brings one pleasure. Art is also something you see or feel and you cannot even begin to describe the ways you like it or how it makes you feel. Art is something that portrays beauty and happiness. Art lets you see the world through another person’s perspective. Most art seems to tell a story about where a person has been and the things they have encountered along the way. It lets you connect with the artist and see things through their eyes. Art is a way of expressing one’s self without words. When I think of art, I think of paintings, portraits, sketches, and sculptures.
Art is a form of human expression. Art can be seen as the artist sleight of hand on his mood. Art is in various media from posters to public wall of which we call “graffiti”. Art is elusive as the use of colors shapes and the surface used adds a new dimension. Art portrays various ideas, feelings such as triumph, love, happiness, sorrow and boredom in loss to mention a few. Art is beauty and creativity. During man’s evolution art has progressed over in its most primitive state up to its most modernized versions today.