
The Greek Goddess Of The Underworld: Persephone

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Goddess of the Underworld, Spring, and rebirth, Persephone was an important greek goddess. She is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter; Persephone was taken by her now husband, Hades, and forced to love him. Persephone has multiple symbols and was known for controlling the seasons, and loving her family.
Being upset that she couldn’t find her daughter, Demeter refused to let anything grow until she was able to see her, creating the first winter season. After Persephone was taken by Hades, Demeter was worried sick about her daughter until she was told by Helios, who can see everything, where she was. Then Zeus demanded Hades give Persephone back to her mother, but before leaving Hades feeds pomegranate seeds to her, so she’ll have to come back. Upon finding this information out, Demeter was upset that she’d have to see her daughter go again. Reason being that Persephone had to go back to the Underworld every year for 4 months. In anger and sadness Demeter always restricted plants from growing, creating winter. However, whenever she was with Persephone, Demeter was happy, creating spring. …show more content…

In the beginning, Persephone didn’t look forward to leaving her mother to go be with Hades but she knew it was for the best. She never liked to leave her mother because she knew how sad she was without her, so it upset her as well. Soon she grew to be okay with switching back and forth, leaving her mother, because she just wanted to please everybody. In the end she was never able to escape her overprotective mother, but was fine because she cared more about her

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