Bernie Sanders fever is sweeping the across the country. After a credible showing in Iowa, he is well placed to win New Hampshire. The most astonishing thing about this is that he has managed to turn socialism from a taboo in American politics into a norm. His run and prominence has led to 43 percent of Iowa caucus voters to self-identifying as socialist (Scher 2016). The problem is that actual socialists are in some cases rooting against Senator Sanders. His candidacy has led to a split amongst socialists, with some feeling that he is a bona fide socialist while others feel is a “socialist in name only” (Scher 2016). As a whole, the parties that would be considered socialist do not place well in elections. The Green Party, which is probably the most well-known party with socialist aims, had 469,627 votes in the 2012 election according to the FEC. While not massive, it still dwarfs the totals of parties with the word “socialist” in their name. Combined, they received a whopping 86,528 votes in 2012 (FEC). Many feel that Sanders has “sold out”, by pledging to support billionaire-backed Hilary Clinton should she win (Scher 2016). Many within the far left feel that Sanders’ campaign is pulling votes and interest away from true socialist parties and policies, and could weaken the platform overall. Most socialist parties prefer to stay united behind one candidate, in this case the Green’s Dr. Jill Stein, and get on the ballot consistently rather than be split with Sanders’
The only green America has ever really cared about is cold hard cash. If we look at the history of the United States it was a country that started out with little more than rural land that people would seek to protect to ensure a happy life. After a century of independence there began an exposition where “machinery was the focus” (Divine, Breen and Fredrickson) setting off the United States into a feverous need for industrial development and economic growth. We added a railroad as the nations first big business and industrial empires were built on steel and oil and soon Henry Ford joined the picture with the mass production of cars in factories. What the world had begun creating was what they believed to the foundation of a more leisure filled
The Australian Labor Party also shortly known as ALP. This party has been in resistant at federal level since the election in 2013. the party is a federal party with in each state and territory. Labor is currently in control of the government of Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and in the Australian Capital Territory. The labor party challenges against the Liberal for political office at the federal and state levels. The party's federal parliamentary leader is Bill Shorten since 13 October, 2013. The Australian Labor Party is a socialist party and has the intention/ purpose of the democratic socialization of industry, production, distribution and exchange, to the extent necessary to eliminate exploitation and other unsocial features
The Republican party or Grand Old Party (GOP), for over 150 years, has maintained itself as a major political party within the United States of America. As a whole, the republican party follows the belief of military build up ,less taxes, and more importantly, a limited government. However, throughout recent years there has been an influx of conservative values being spread throughout the GOP. These values include harsh stances against: homosexuality, immigration, and abortion. This recent “conservative trend” has caused many to see the party as out of date. Ironically, it has not always been like this, as the party was once what would be defined as “liberal”. These liberal views included support of “conservatism” and universal health care( So, what happened? In short, the conservative influx in the 1950s would lead to this drastic change of views, which would lead us to today 's far right republican party. In order to-
Peace, love, equality, the environment, and global unity are all interests of the Green Party. They abolish the death penalty and consider the government to have cruel and unusual punishment. They are oppose the death penalty citing racial bias, failure to deter crime, widespread errors, and humanitarian objections.When it comes to the Military, the Green Party believes in demilitarizing. Demilitarization is the reduction of the Military which involves the reduction of the army, weapons, and military vehicles. An interesting fact about demilitarization is that it is usually the result or outcome of a major conflict or a peace treaty ending a war. Moving on, abortion is believed to be a choice among the pregnant mothers. The Green Party support full access to abortion, with funding, for all women in the U.S. and around the world.
The Libertarian Party was formed in Colorado Springs by a group that was led by
Primarily, Democrats who supported Gore in the 2000s see Nader and the Green Party as the leading cause to Gore’s loss in the election, primarily due to the spoiler effect (where two similar candidates running for an office results in one siphoning votes from the other) caused by Nader. Nader, known as a political activist and liberal similar to Gore, was accused of “taking” potential votes away from Gore in states where Gore lost to Bush by low margins, such as Florida and New Hampshire, where Nader’s ~97,000 and ~22,000 votes would have compensated for Gore’s defeats of 537 and ~7,000 votes to Bush respectively (Rosenbaum). Democrats during this period primarily cite polls by the Voter News Service, a joint by five television companies and
The Green Parties primary goal is to help state parties, but they’re committed to many other things to help better the environment for the people. They’re committed to environmental wisdom, peace, social justice, and grassroots organizing. They care a lot about the environment and economy because they both affect the citizens in a variety of ways; the people are their main priority. The Green Party is democratic so all their focus goes straight for the good of the public, every decision, every donation because they receive donations from big corporations, and all their time. For example, if the issue is Universal healthcare, all of their time will go into fulfilling and solving that issue. They’re not as popular as other political parties but they do get the word out there and people follow. They believe that the political system is broken and that’s what grabs the public attention, because a lot of people know that huge corporations like the Koch brothers for example, control part of the government with their money so they can do whatever they please and dump a bunch of waste into our shores. The Green Party wants to attack and straighten that problem, so the top 1% can’t pull things like that. Real leadership is in this party, and that’s what the people like.
It’s election year. Most people believe that there are only two choices when voting for a political office: Republicans or Democrats. I am here to tell you that they are wrong. There are other choices, and I prefer the Libertarian Party. I believe the Libertarian Party should be promoted to show people that they have more than two options. The Libertarian Party is the only party that leads towards freedom instead of big government.
The Socialist Party of the United States, commonly referred to as the Socialist Party USA or the Socialist Party, is a democratic socialist party who has many issues they purpose answers to through their socialist lens. The party was founded in 1973 after its predecessor, the Socialist Party of America, dissolved into multiple socialist parties, most notably, the Social Democrats of the United States of America, and the Socialist Party of the United States. The party, along with its predecessor, has received varying degrees of support throughout its history. The Socialist Party has had to compete against the major two parties in elections, and while similarities can be drawn between it and
America is considered as a global superpower, and has a critical role to play in the global socioeconomic and political landscape. Critical examination of US presidential elections show that they draw widespread attention from across the globe. In many instances, the major political parties differ significantly on policies, a prospect that may work to the advantage or the disadvantage of the candidate for Democratic Party of the Republican Party. After months of the long bruising primaries, the GOP conducted its convention in Cleveland while the democratic sect held their convention in Philadelphia. The speeches delivered in the two conventions had significant policy differences which are likely to influence voting
The Grand New Party came alive in a small schoolhouse in Wisconsin when a group of abolitionist gathered to fight the expansion of slavery. The Republican party is now one of the two major political parties that makes up the United States political system. The Republican party typically sticks to more conservative views on major issues in the government. Three topics of constant concern for the party include taxation, gun control, and immigration.
The Democratic Party was formed in 1792. Its name was adopted in the 1830s during Jackson’s presidency. It is the “world’s oldest existing political party” (Democratic Party). The Northern and Southern Democrats had issues dealing with slavery, which caused them to split in 1860. According to the “Democratic Party”, the Southern Democrats wanted to protect “slavery in all the territories while many Northern Democrats resisted.” The party was also known as the "white man 's party" and demonized the Republican Party as being "Negro dominated," even though whites were in control” (Democratic Party).
The Scottish National Party was founded in 1934 and now it is after Conservatives and
If I had to specifically choose which political party had the most influence on my life and political views I would say it is the Republican Party. The Republican Party supports most of my current views on American issues in the United States. I think its safe to say that I am more Republican than Democrat. Some of the few specific views that I hold that are influenced by Republicans are; I am pro-life, I believe in limiting social welfare to unemployed Americans, I favor a continued military presence in unstable Middle Eastern regions, and I strongly oppose gun control.
The Justice and Development Party, also known as AKP, is an islamist political party that currently has power in Turkey. The groups ideology is “Islamic” and its principles should be present in the country, however it should not be radical. Islam should still have a major influence on society. So, how well is this political party controlling the Turkish state? I will argue that it is been a successful organization in terms of secularism, but failed in implementing Islamic principles.