Thomas wakes up in a metal box with no memory of who he is. He only remembers his name. Doors open overhead revealing a community of young boys all living on a type of farm surrounded by very high walls. The place is called the Glade. Outside the Glade, beyond the walls is a massive Maze populated with monsters, known as Grievers. Every month a new boy is sent to the Glade. Each week supplies come up through the elevator that Thomas rides. Thomas learns that in the Maze outside are monsters known as Grievers. If a Griever stings you, you will go through a process known as the Changing, which is quite traumatic. Thomas meets the leader of the Glade, Alby, and his second in command, Newt. There is also Chuck who becomes his friend. Gally emerges …show more content…
That is when the monsters that inhabit the Maze are most active. Despite being the most experienced Minho panics when the Grievers approach and runs away. Thomas refuses to leave Alby and manages to save his life and his own. The three survive the night in the Maze, something no one has ever done before. It makes Thomas a hero in some eyes, a suspect in others. Thomas is tried for breaking the rule and is sentenced to one day in the Glade jail. Some political maneuvering by Minho allows Thomas to become a Runner trainee upon his release. Gally objects to Thomas's presence in the Glade. He accuses Thomas of being a spy for the Creators, those who imprisoned the Gladers in the first place. Minho and Gally come to blows and Gally runs away after vowing revenge. Alby is also recovering from the Changing. He too believes he has seen Thomas before. It is believed Thomas played some part in the design or building of the Maze. Thomas also visits Teresa who is still comatose. She begins to communicate with him telepathically. This frightens Thomas and he runs into the Maze to escape her voice. She tells him that the two of them were involved in the implementation of the Maze. He eventually returns to the …show more content…
Thankfully, the maps burned were all decoys. Thomas is able to look at the real maps with Teresa's help. Together, they find a series of letters hidden in the maps, spelling out words. The words have no relation to each other. In an act of desperation for some of his lost memories, Thomas allows himself to be stung by the Grievers. After recovering, Thomas explains that he and Teresa were forced to help the Creators design the Maze. He tells everyone that they share a telepathic link. He also knows the way out of the Maze is over a cliff face. The cliff is an illusion to trick them. It is where the Grievers enter and exit the Maze. If they follow the Grievers down they can find the way out by punching the code words into a computer on the other side. Soon Thomas leads the Gladers into the Maze and they face off against a small army of Grievers. About half of the Gladers die in the fight but Thomas, Teresa, and Chuck make their way down the hole and are able to punch in the code and shut down the Maze. A door opens
Thomas and the rest of the Gladers go around to investigate, finding that the room where they'd eaten pizza with the people who rescued them was locked. They ram the door down and turn on the lights to find the rescuers dead bodies hanging from the ceiling. They enter Teresa's room, which is empty, except for a boy that just came out of the bathroom named Aris, who's from Group B. He can also talk telepathically, and even had a telepathy partner named Rachel, but she was killed just like Gally had killed Chuck in the first book. Outside of the room is a plaque that says "Teresa Agnes. Group A, Subject A1.
The story indicates from the beginning that"Nobody talked to Thomas anymore because he told the same damn stories over and over again, " (Alexie 280). The last vision the audience knows is to when he is with Victor's father. Thomas goes with Victor on his journey in the hope that by completing his previous vision job he can experience new visions. On achieving to help Victor on his journey Thomas, "… heard a new story come to him in the silence afterward," (Alexie 286). Completing Thomas's last vision gave him his new vision because his previous visions. Thomas resentment towards Victor for what he had done but helped him because of the promise to Victor's
Newt, feeling weak and is unable to continue, is infected to the Flare, and believes that he should stay in Denver. The Gladers then meet a man in the streets, who gives them an address which leads to Gally, who has joined the Right Arm, and is insistent to put an end to WICKED headquarters. Gally reveals the decaying cities are home to many who are infected by the Flare, but then introduces a drug that could slow down the progression of the Flare, known as the Bliss. Soon, Janson find the Gladers and talks to them through holographic form, trying to convince them to go back to WICKED headquarters. “Perhaps we should take you home, to WICKED headquarters where you belong. We offer [...] If you come back to WICKED, we could save the world together finding the cure, saving the Infected, saving humanity” (Dashner
While there are some obstacles like facing WICKED and Teresa betraying Thomas. The weather out there is extremely dangerous. Thomas and the glazers have to cooperate to make it out of the wasteland. In this book we are mainly in Thomas’s brain.
Ever." This scares all the gladers pointing the blame at Thomas since things began going wrong since his arrival. The girl slips into a coma and when Thomas comes to visit her, he hears her voice telepathically in his head speaking out to him. She wakes up and informs Thomas that they’ve known each other before their arrival from the maze. Ever since she showed up she “pulled the switch” that made everything in the Maze begin to change. Soon the sun disappears, the deliveries from the metal box stop arriving, and the doors of the Maze stay open all night, which allows the Grievers to enter and kill the gladers one by one. Thomas suggests that the movement of the walls in the Maze aren't just at random but a code. He also uncovers the mystery that of which where the grievers stay and that happens to be ‘The Cliff’ or the ‘Griever Hole’. Thomas explains that if the Grievers can go down the cliff and come up each night then so can the gladers. Most of the Gladers decide to make a run for it down the griever hole, even though it could be suicide taking the Grievers head on, but they figured that staying in the Glade would lead to their death for
The mirror maze is impossible to get out of and someone has to rescue you if you go in alone.The boys have to save their neighbor Miss Foley from the maze.
The first person to really talk to him was Chuck. Chuck is one of Thomas' best friends. Further along in the book Thomas became good friends with Minhoe as he had to work with him every day out in the maze. Alby is the leader of the glade as he was the first one to arrive in the glade and sadly was killed by grievers while going into the maze. Newt was second in command and was temporarily first in command while Alby was going through the change.
Thomas, voluntarily saves one of the Glader's who was injured coming back from the maze. Consequently, in the time he saved him, he fails at getting him back home.
Then, inexplicably, Chuck was there, diving in front of him. Thomas felt as if his feet had been frozen in blocks of ice; he could only stare at the scene of horror unfolding before him, completely helpless.” Think: Many characters in The Maze Runner risked their lives to protect those around them in deeds of self-sacrifice. As Thomas and Teresa look for the Griever’s Hole, most of the Gladers are willing to risk their lives in order to protect them. While half of them get stung and die, it allows the rest of them time to escape.
By following the map’s directions, they come upon a run-down restaurant owned by the treacherous Fratelli family. They make their way down to the basement after the Fratelli’s leave, and discover a counterfeit machine, a murder victim, and a passageway to "One-eyed" Willy’s underground tunnels. By this time, two of Brandon’s friends (Stephanie and Andy) show up and join the group on their adventure. Chunk is somehow left behind in the restaurant and is sent to find help while the others travel through the tunnels searching for the treasure.
Thomas seems to have a gift in his storytelling, they may seem like crazy stories he tells over and over but his stories may carry some kind of meaning. “We are all given one thing by which our lives are measured, one determination. Mine are the stories which can change or not change the world.” (Alexie P. 518) His stories about Victor’s father are why he went out of his way to help Victor. It took Victor a trip to Phoenix to see that Thomas was there for a reason, to help him because they were cousins.
Teresa is a teenage girl who mysteriously arrives in the maze a day after Thomas. She tells everyone that everything is about to change in the maze, before slipping into a coma. Thomas is sure that he knows Teresa from before, but can’t remember. Later, it’s
Although this leaves Thomas feeling oddly exhilarated, while he's lying in his sleeping bag in a meadow near the gardens, he returns to feeling sad and curious. Thomas tells Chuck that he wants to become one of the Runners, even though he still doesn't really know what they do. Chuck just laughs and says whatever because being a runner is one of the hardest jobs in the glade.
Minho, Newt, thomas and half of the Gladers go into the maze to escape the Glade. Teresa, Thomas, and Chuck jump into the griever hole. Chuck dies saving Thomas. The Resolution is how WICKED are the ones who made the maze and who put the Gladers in the maze. Then as Thomas and all the other gladers try to escape people come to save
Thomas was a very naughty child. He used to always get into trouble for misbehaving such as the time when he set his father’s barn on fire. He was only six years old when this incident took place.