
The Growing Trend Of Elder Abuse Essay

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The growing trend of elder abuse
Elder abuse also known as elder mistreatment has been around for many, many years but is now just coming to the forefront and being acknowledged by the society on a whole. intentional actions that cause harm or create a serious risk of harm, whether or not intended, to a vulnerable elder by a caregiver or other person who stands in a trust relationship to the elder or (b) failure by a caregiver to satisfy the elder’s basic needs or to protect the elder from harm” (p. 39).This abuse can take many forms and in different settings as well as many different type of persons including and especially family members and acquaintances. This type of abuse includes physical, sexual, emotional, neglect both by a caregiver or self-neglect, abandonment, psychological , exploitation financially as well materialistically including fraud (Clark, 2015, p.914). With an estimated doubling of the elderly population by 2025 to at least 1.5 to 2 million, increases in the number of elderly person in the nation also means there will be an increase in elder abuse (Aravanis, Adelman, Breckman, Fulmer, Holder, Lachs, & ... Sanders, 1993). A declaration according to, “ The World Health Organization is that elder abuse is a violation of an older adult’s fundamental rights to be safe and live free from violence.” It is estimated that some form of abuse be it physical, sexual, psychological, neglect, and or financial exploitation affects one in every ten older

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