
The Handmaid's Tale Essay

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In both novels, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood and The Lord of The Flies by William Golding, the three protagonists strive in better comprehending how their current situations/environments and interactions have shaped them into the individuals they have become. In the Handmaid’s Tale, the protagonist, Offred struggles in expressing her ideas, views, and opinions especially in regards to feminism and gender equality. She must speak within imaginary boundaries and limits so that she avoids facing consequences for speaking out against the patriarchal white male Christian society. Her identity is shrouded by the “brainwashing” of women and through the rigidity and strict regime of this “oligarchy”. For example, in her society every person in the social hierarchy from unwomen all the way to the commander are defined and distinguished by the color they wear. Hence, the Commander wears black, the commander’s wife blue, the martha’s green, and the handmaid’s red.Furthermore, their speech is also limited in that they must answer with the same mundane “praise be” to everything spoken to them. In a way, Offred can viewed as a puppet for Gilead because she must act according to society. Society governs when she eats, how she dresses, when she gets to leave the house, when she can visit the doctor, when she can bathe and when she can have sex. Society wants women to have no opinions or ideas for themselves. However, Offred still tries to maintain her identity and sense

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