
The Hanging Stranger

Decent Essays

The Hanging Stranger
A science fiction story that affects you psychologically is the only way to describe this story without giving anything away. It actually caught my eye because it was under the horror section as a psychological horror story, which are a favorite of mine. It was first introduced in the 1950’s in one of Philip’s books, Science Fiction Adventures but was later added to The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick.
The story starts off following a 40 year old man, Ed Loyce, who is a resident of Pikesville. After spending a majority of the day in his basement, fixing the foundation of his home, Ed decides to head into town to work in his TV store. While trying to find a parking spot on the busy street, he notices a dark sack-like-thing …show more content…

He knew trying to explain to the attendant was useless so he asked to be taken to Oak Grove where he is questioned by the Commissioner. Ed tells him his everything that happened and the Commissioner says he believes him so Ed decides to share his theory. He basically sums it up to a conflict that can be read about in the Bible, he just can’t explain what the hanging stranger was used for. That’s when the Commissioner suggested it was bait to figure out who still had free will but states Ed will probably understand everything soon as they are walking out of the police department. Ed is greeted by a group of officers standing around a telephone pole holding a …show more content…

The first time I read “The Hanging Stranger” I got halfway through and thought, “He’s crazy. This man clearly inhaled something toxic while in his basement and was hallucinating.” Which would explain why everyone else was so calm about the situation and said he looked sick. It wasn’t until I finished it that I realized him being crazy wasn’t the case. I didn’t know what to think honestly. This man had figured everything out only to end up dead, probably like the ones before him had and the ones after him. I assumed he was right though, that were was an alien invasion that had started thousands of years ago, maybe not having anything to do with religion though. Ed had ran and ran only to fall into a trap which must’ve been awful when he realized how foolish he had been.
Maybe if Ed had stayed calm and just ignored it, he would have continued living happily with his family. I’m sure that’s what the guy on the bus was trying to do when he realized that Ed had somehow escaped from being controlled and wanted to talk to him, compare notes or something. It was like walking around with brain dead people who are able to perform as normal, they just couldn’t think so I’m sure the man on the bus just wanted to feel like he wasn’t crazy but Ed beat him to death with a stone. Then again, I can see why Ed panicked, giving away that he was

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