This Health Profile Report is to study how to reduce the harm caused by drugs among Teenagers in families and communities across Birmingham, UK in order to improve well-being. We have to use collaboration, pooled resources and coordination to invest in services, education, activities and support.
Contents Page
- Initial Information
- Outline of the content
Geographical Area
- Birmingham Profile
- Demographics of Birmingham
- Drugs Misuse in Birmingham
Population Group
- Teenage Drug Addiction Status in Birmingham
Inter-Professional Working
- Strategies and methods of health services
- Findings of study
In UK new health strategies have been planned to develop the health policy. To improve the population’s health and health needs, individual behaviour and social, environmental and economic determinants, the health are considered. The main areas covered are individual and collective responsibilities for health, interaction between genetics, ideological dilemmas and policy assumptions underlying different approaches. There are many more programs to provide nursing perspective on public health in the UK (Kilgallon, 2013).
(Kilgallon, 2013)
The health profile of an area would help the Government and Health Services to plan and develop the health status. Britain teenage are more addicted to illegal drugs than youngsters anywhere else in
M2 – Discuss the factors likely to influence current and future patterns of health in the UK
Over the course of the last 50 years in the UK the government (England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland) have made a great effort in order to improve the overall health of the general population in the UK. This has been achieved through the use of making the general population more aware of the dangers to their health and what they are along with they can do in order to improve it, thereby making better informed decisions in regards to their health when it comes to things such as diet, road safety (driving), exercise, smoking and education.
In this article I am going to describe the key features of public health strategies as they relate to current times in the UK.
Drug use affects every sector of society, straining our economy, our healthcare and criminal justice systems, and endangering the futures of young people. This needs assessment is performed to identify what additional services might be needed to
This assignment will investigate the Community Health Profile for Oldham, a metropolitan borough within Greater Manchester. Oldham has a population of around 224,900 (Oldham Council, 2017). At present, there are several prominent health issues in Oldham, according to Public Health England’s Health Profile (2017), such as: levels of obesity in Year 6 children; under 18 conceptions and children in low income families. The intention of this assignment is to gather further evidence and talk in more detail about one specific health issue in Oldham, and how nurses can promote and improve the health of young individuals in this area.
In this assignment I am going to describe the origins of public health in the UK from the 19th century to the present day. I am also going to compare historical and current features of public health.
This assignment requires that I develop and thoroughly analyze a public policy in order to advocate for one that improves the health of the public and/or the nursing profession globally (local, state, national or international). To do this, I must reflect on several aspects of being a policy maker within the nursing profession. I was instructed to consider the following:
A brief summary of the evidence for issue area’s link to health outcomes/social determinants of health.
The strategy is guided by the mutual recognition and affect of sectors other than health such as, industry, housing, education and social welfare (McMurray & Clendon, 2015). Building a healthy public policy is an important strategy as it allows and encourages nurses and midwives to consider the long-term health of patients and implement the care into public policies. Maternal health can be improved by the introduction of healthy public policy strategies such as, routine screening, child health checks as well as legislation for alcohol
In the last few years, nurses and other healthcare professionals (HCPs) are under the spotlight of the media and the public due to issues addressed in documents such as The Francis Report (2010). This is good in a sense though as it gives us the opportunity to better ourselves as HCPs and improve the standard of care for everyone. It is now a widely known idea that there are many different factors that affect our health and wellbeing not just biological factors as believed to be the case not very long ago when a biological view was taken when addressing a person's health. However, this has all changed for the better where now healthcare is individualised, holistic and takes in to account the individuals own circumstances i.e. the social determinants of health and wellbeing (social determinants), not a simple one size fits all approach. This essay is going to discuss some of these factors so that we can learn to reduce these inequalities in healthcare and make great healthcare more accessible to everyone. The factors that will be discussed are individual lifestyle choices, housing conditions and .
Drugs and alcohol have been used for medical and recreational purposes throughout history. With advancement of technology it has become easier and easier to access these substances. It is not only illegal drugs but prescription drugs that are being misused and wreaking havoc across the world. Even with billions of dollars being paid out to stop the war on drugs, the problem persists. People from all walks of life have been affected by drugs or are becoming drug addicts themselves. One particular group afflicted by the misuse of these substances is the children of drug addicted parents. According to Cattapan and Grimwade, “Drug use seen in one generation affects the lives of the next”. Children with one or both parents on drugs face huge
Underage drinking is becoming a serious social issue in modern Australia; with 90% of Australian teenagers over 14 that have tried alcohol at least once. Estimates also suggest that half of Australia’s teenagers drink alcohol on a weekly basis. Underage drinking can cause drink driving and unsafe sex if it is misused. Australia seems to be fond of this drug, and find it to be socially acceptable although it is causing the amount of teenage deaths to rise rapidly due to misuse. Heavy use of Alcohol can also cause health issues later on in the lives of teens that are drinking alcohol. It is hard for parents to be able to prevent their teenagers from consuming and experimenting with alcohol, but they can at least kindly encourage their
This assignment will involve a discussion on the contemporary issues on global perspectives on health in nursing practice. The Guardian (2015) states new figures from the Nursing Midwifery Council showed that the NHS is facing a shortage of British nurses so it was necessary to recruit one in four nurses from abroad in 2013/2014. Due to the growing population in the UK and the growing number or elderly patients hospitals are under pressure to hire more nurses than ever before to care for them. The Francis report (2013) recognised issues such as safe staffing and patient safety as a high agenda in the NHS due to this The Nursing Standard (2013) trusts claim they are struggling to recruit due to a shortage of registered nurses coming through
This essay will define what long term conditions are and how they impact on individuals, families and the community. It will recognise the social impact in relation to stigmas, the economic impact in regards to financial concerns or costs overall to the individual, their family and the community, and the political impact and how legislations and policies are developed to address, prevent and educate. This essay will examine the New Zealand health strategy, the primary health care strategy and the influence these strategies have in the allocations of funding and initiatives developed to support long term conditions. It critically analyses and discusses primary health care and primary health care nurses, identifying how nurses in these organisations connect and work with patients and the importance of cultural safety in regards to nursing care and support of patients. Long term conditions (LTC), or chronic illnesses, are life changing and have a major impact on people’s lives.
Drugs between teenagers is one of the most serious problems, because it causes a change in the behavior of any teenager and a physical change too. Most of the teenagers use alcoholic drinks as a way to escape