It is common for people to have a hero they admire and strive to be like. Often these heroes are people such as athletes, celebrities, world leaders, and family members. These ordinary people become heroes because of desirable attributes they exhibit. These characteristics are ones that people can relate to, characteristics that give birth to a desire to elevate oneself to be a hero to others. Such is my hero. My hero was born long ago to two devoted parents that loved him dearly. Life was not easy for him or his family; nevertheless, he grew up and became strong. Even though he was the son of a lowly carpenter, he learned of his divine calling and rose to the challenge that came with the call. The challenges that afflicted him in his life molded him into the hero I see him to be. He is Jesus Christ, a man with amazing attributes and my hero. Christ had many great and marvelous attributes. He lived his entire life by these attributes and encouraged others to develop these same values. He magnified a way for others to find happiness and meaning. These attributes are the reason Jesus Christ is my hero. One of Christ’s greatest attributes is love. He loved everyone. He loved the poor, the wealthy, the young, and the old. Through his example, people around him felt more inclined to love. When an individual is filled with love, they develop a strong desire to serve others. People sacrifice time and resources to serve others less fortunate then themselves without thinking
Many heroes exists in todays world. Some are just fictional but the real ones are the ones worth mentioning. A true hero is a person who is willing to sacrifice everything for the well being of others. they're giving personalities cause them to give everything they can to help others. They are constantly in a race to fight for something beneficial to all.
Everyone wants to be a hero, but to be one you should fit certain criteria and possess specific qualities. First of all they should be a good role model and have a positive influence on others. This is important because good heroes have people who look at up to them and that are inspired by them. Terry Fox inspired people all across Canada to run/walk, the annual Terry Fox run. Second of all a hero should be determined. Having this quality allows you to stand up for what you believe and overcome any obstacle in your way. A hero who is determined won’t give up until he has succeeded. Terry Fox’s determination is what drove him to run 5,373km before his cancer spread to his lungs. Another quality a hero should possess is selflessness. This quality
These hero’s demonstrate many of the characteristics of a hero and they do so with dignity. A hero impacts all aspects of someone's life and leaves a positive impression, but there’s no limit to the amount of characteristics that could be used to define a hero.
A hero can be like Martin Luther King Jr, a person who fought for people's right. These kinds of heroes put others needs in front of their own needs so the end result will be for the greater good for everyone. These heroes stride for a better world so humankind can live in peace and harmony. They are self-sacrificing
Heroes have always been a form of ideal characteristics; an example of what one should strive to be. Through the years, the definition of a hero has undergone many changes. However, one thing remains constant: the desire to become a hero. We as a society, desire to become better beings, a form of heroism. Although some argue that heroes are born due to their natural characteristics, heroes are made over time.
The most important trait all heroes must have is that their actions are for others, not for themselves, and they act selflessly. A hero recovers from their struggles determined to inspire others around them to be their best. Heroes can come in all different ages, races, genders, and personality types. There are many heroes around, even in everyday life. It could be a friend, a relative, even a coworker. In my case, it was my classmate Nick Kimble. Nicholas Kimble, also known as “No-Knees Nick,” was born at home in a kiddie pool. From a young age he was interested in Latin and would draw detailed pictures of famous Greek scenes, not unlike the renaissance artists. Naturally, he pursued Latin in his high school career, which is where I met
What comes to mind when you think of the word “hero”? Some people would think of a fictional character such as Superman, a comic-book character who has great strength, and can fly. Others might think of a historical figure, such as Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States. While the aforementioned examples are not only noteworthy, but also well-liked for their courageous characteristics, there are many other qualities to being a hero.
Therefore, no matter if a person, government, church, or another entity provides for the community, an individual, or other people outside their identity, without doing in the name of love, the behavior becomes uncharitable. As presented in an article by Anderson, (2011), Pope Benedict wrote: Pope Benedict wrote: if a state provided everything so that there was no need for love, is preparing to eliminate man as such. But there will be one need the state that the state could not provide which is the need of loving personal
Jesus shows Christians that they should take pity on people in need. People are equal in the eyes of God and we shouldn’t discriminate against others, especially when it degrades them and us. We need to help people in need. These are people who live in the developing countries or are in poverty. People who don’t have enough food or water to live and don’t have enough money to produce them.
Jesus demonstrated character even when it was not popular. Life is not going always going to leave in a favorable position. He preached on his power to forgive sins and to heal the sick.
Oliver Stone once wrote, who he saw his heroes as“ Sciences who spend years of their lives trying to find cures...The inner-city kid who works at McDonald’s instead of selling drugs. The kid who stands alone instead of joining a gang, which would give him instant identity...People who take risks despite fears. People in wheelchairs who don't give up…”. (SB, pg.64) Heroes are people who choose the right no matter the situation. Making sacrifices for others benefit, being determined to rise over challenges, and not being perfect instead making mistakes are just some of the traits that make a hero.
As we know now, it was his passionate and private Christian faith. His compassion for his fellow man manifested itself in the form of service to millions through the United Nations. In addition, a collection of vivid personal Christian reflections, hailed by many as one of the most
Have you ever been inspired by a hero because our technology today can make anybody a hero in an instant and can be applied today without much thought. We need to evaluate what it takes to be a hero and how they affect us. Heroes inspire us to improve our lives and make us a better person. Evidence suggests they determine the way we behave because we admire, adore, emulate them, place them in high regard and respect their accomplishments. Their qualities of courage, selflessness, humility, patience, caring, passion, integrity, honesty and confidence are all attributes that we all posses but it is whether we use them or not.
Finally, there is Mother Teresa, who is the perfect example of love. She did see the differences between the classes, but she saw past them. She targeted the poor with her arrows of compassion, and with the virtuous spirit of charity she made herself poor. She founded the Missionaries of Charity, an organization determined to help the poor and comfort the dying. She loved all, but the poor especially. She is a great inspiration to Christians to have love for those who need
What does make a hero a hero? Is it there looks? Alternatively, maybe is it their personality? However, the question is what are those essential qualities that make one a hero? Different people require different heroes to look up to or try to emulate. However, whoever it may be, they all possess certain qualities. My hero is my mother, for the reason that she is selfless, compassion, and courage. That kind of selflessness can often be premeditated, since concentrating on others' needs often winds up helping one accomplish one’s own goals. However, a heroic leader does so without any anticipation of a return. The display and concern show the care one has for others. This can often apparent itself in strong but gentle actions planned to increase the lives of others. Courage and bravery come to mind first when we think of heroism. However, it is difficult to achieve anything truly heroic unless one is up against overwhelming chances. As Nelson Mandela put it, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." These minor acts of heroism rarely attract any notice. A true hero is always sympathetic, benevolent and shows a great deal of compassion and sympathy to those poorly or in agony. He or she keeps away judgements; that are oriented to the self and embraces an attitude that serves others.