
The Heroic Attributes Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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Many people have a different idea as to what is considered a hero and what is considered heroic. In the “One Eyed Giant’s Cave,” Odysseus, who is an example of that, is certainly a character that is well known in the story. Homer portrays him as showing a lot of heroic attributes throughout, that make him seem like a very high profile person, compared to other characters. Odysseus shows a lot of bravery, as well as intelligence, that he uses as an advantage. Odysseus certainly takes on many tasks and is put in situations that makes him seem like that character he is.
One way that Odysseus shows heroic attributes is through his undoubtedly bravery. Compared to other characters in the story, Odysseus proved his bravery by wanting to fight the Cyclops, the one eyed monster, knowing the danger that he was going to put himself through. Him and his men were so frightened by the Cyclops that even the sound of his phone frightened them. For instance, in the story, it states, “The hearts inside us shook, terrified by his rumbling voice and monstrous hulk.” This is the type of situation that makes Odysseus stand out because he is brave …show more content…

He proves to be a very smart man, coming up with ways to outwit his enemies. This is one thing that he uses to being able to defeat the Cyclops. For example, he tricked the monster by telling him that his name was “nobody.” By doing that he was also able to disguise his men as sheep so they can unwittingly be let out of a cave. No one else would have thought of that, which is what makes his intelligence very useful in making him accomplish that heroic attribute. Along with that, he was able to keep his men together showing strong leadership skills and trust. Odysseus is definitely unlike any other character in the story proving his intelligence and smart way of thinking. Also, If it wasn’t for him, his team of men would have definitely had no idea what to

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