
The Hero's Journey Character Analysis

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The Hero’s Journey is a way that authors use situations they create in their books to relate to the struggles and heroic actions their characters face throughout the story. Below are some examples of The Hero’s Journey being put into place and compared to quotes from The Samurai’s Garden. They vary from problems the main character needs to deal with, to woman in which ways they affect Stephen, and the mentors that help to guide him along and teach him valuable lessons in hopes he’ll use them in the future.
Throughout Samurai’s garden there are a variety of characters that face The Hero’s Journey. Stephen, the main character faces a lot of aspects of The Hero’s Journey. “...persistent dry cough...all through the thick, sticky summer the heat made things worse…” (4). Early into the book there is a quality from the Hero’s Journey demonstrating tests which are riddles, problems, and fights. This demonstrates problems to solve, giving information about how the weather in his city affect him negatively. While the weather in his city affect him in a negative manner to solve this problem they decide it’s best from him to leave to visit his father where the air is more clean and pure. …show more content…

In Samurai’s garden Stephen follows the Hero’s Journey within the mentor’s he establishes along his journey. His mentors include both Mastu and Sachi. For example, while in the garden Mastu has Stephen help him finish building the bridge teaching him that this bridge represent the difficult path samurai’s take from this world to after life. Both these people help to teach Stephemn valuable life lessons and ways of life to take with him throughout his adolescence and adulthood late on. With these lessons and ways of life they teach with hope that they’ll be put to good use and carried on to other generations long after they’ve

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