
The Hidden Truth Of Multinational Corporations

Decent Essays

The Hidden Truth

In modern society, we are constantly bombarded with decisions of what retailer or brand to buy supplies from. We no longer have just a supermarket; we have a wide variety of merchandise retailers to choose from. Debating where to go depending on the price of products, or perhaps the quality, is a decision we battle with constantly. Yet, without thinking twice about where the product came from, or its environmental impact, many of us go right ahead pick up the item, toss it in the trolley and rush to pay for because we don’t have time to care about stuff like this. There are other important things, like when to get the car oil changed, right?

Multinational corporations (MNC) such as Mattel, Google, Microsoft, and eBay to …show more content…

Even though words cannot do justice in emphasising the massive effect Multinational corporations such as this one have globally, their injurious actions are affecting the environment from all directions as well as aspects of our day-to-day life, something as simple as breathing clean air. Diminishing the finite sources available in a certain areas, they are able to pack their bags and move to another place, leaving many of its workers jobless. Subsequently, employability established by new markets opening up provides opportunities to people to earn money in order to support themselves and their families. However, the jobs multinational corporations have provided require little to no expertise and are deskilled , which most commonly is referred to as a “job worse than McDonalds”. In addition to this, workers receive a pay less than minimum wage for extensive manual labour, barely enough for one meal a day. Sweatshops are a prime example of cheap labour of eight hours a day; the Reference for Business Encyclopedia claims that “one of the earliest examples of a sweatshop was in the crude textile mills of Ecuador” where the Spanish conquerors enslaved the natives for the manufacture of clothes and textiles. In more recent years, the majority of sweatshops have been successfully transformed into businesses with more reasonable working conditions, but nonetheless sweatshops do continue to exist in places where

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