
The History Of Hemophilia A / B, Inheritance Patterns, And The Treatment Options

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Genes are constructed from deoxyribonucleic acid, otherwise known expressed as DNA, and are the building blocks for the proteins allowing an organism’s body to function properly. Genes are the backbone that determines what the human body will have the potential to become, acting an instruction manual, concerning their genetic disease susceptibility. With genes developing the proteins necessary for survival come the establishment of the basic building blocks of life recognized as the cell. The human body has an assortment of roughly trillions of cells each assigned a specific function derived from the genes that have been given them instruction by DNA providing the genetic mapping. This research paper’s focus is on the history of …show more content…

Throughout the progression of its identification it has been known as the royal disease due to its prominence among the descendants of Queen Victoria (1819-1901) as she was a carrier for the gene and the beginning of hemophilia notable X-linked recessive presence in Europe. The distinction of the royal diseases presence in Europe was due to the inbreeding between royal members in order to maintain strategic diplomacy. The term hemophilia itself was finally coined by Hopff in 1828 at the University of Zurich after being discovered and described by Dr. John Conrad Otto in 1803. Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B are inherited bleeding conditions where the blood does not properly coagulate (Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2014)2. The inheritance of hemophilia progresses through a carrying of the gene inflicted and is passed on via mother to child at the time of conception. X and Y chromosomes are distinguished as being the sex hormones of the human body. Hemophilia-A in a sex-linked recessive trait disorder located on the X chromosome and otherwise absent on the Y chromosome. Being that it is located only on the X chromosome, if a son is conceived carrying the gene the disorder will inevitably develop. While in the case of females, for the disease to manifest the carrier for the gene must be on both X chromosomes which is noted to be more. Though most hemophilia diagnosis are associated with males, the chance for the inheritance

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