
The Hobbit Chapter Summaries

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Chapter 1
Hobbits the narrator explains are, roughly half the size of humans with love of good food, comfort, and security. They traditionally live in holes in the ground. The holes are not smelly but comfortable underground dwellings. The hole occupied by the hobbit known as Bilbo Baggins. It is quite a pleasant dwelling with comfortable furniture and a well-stocked kitchen nestled in a snug village under a hill. Bilbo’s ancestry is noble by hobbit standards his father was from the conventional Baggins family, but his mother was from the Tooks, an eccentric family well known for their strange tendency to go on adventures. Despite his Took blood Bilbo prefers to stay at home and live a quiet life.
When the story begins Bilbo is smoking a …show more content…

Thror then became King under the Mountain, but his treasure attracted unwanted attention a dragon named Smaug. He came and lit the mountain ablaze and killed or scattered Thror’s people. The dragon has been protecting his bounty ever since. Thorin and the dwarves are out to reclaim their inheritance though they are unsure of what to do with Smaug when they discover him. Bilbo suspects the dwarves want him to be included in slaying the dragon. Although his Baggins side would want nothing with this, and to just sit at home with his pipe. The Took influence in him fuels his curiosity about the adventure, and he is reluctantly thrilled by the tales of dragons and great battles. After looking at the map and discussing the adventure with the dwarves the hobbit makes up beds for all his guests and then spends the night in uneasy …show more content…

He yells and out of the crack jump dozens of goblins who carry off each member of the company except Gandalf who heard Bilbo’s yell. The goblins transport the dwarves and the hobbit down into the mountain to a huge chamber where the Great Goblin sits. He wants to know why dwarves are in this region and what they are doing in his mountain. Thorin tries to explain the storm, but one of the goblins brings the sword that Thorin took from the trolls which he had when he was captured. This sword Orcrist is well-known among the

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