
The Hobbit Movie And Book Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

The different versions of The Hobbit each show better ways to be more in depth, have greater narration which makes it easier to understand, and be able to make the audience want to immerse themselves. First I will start by giving my reason for why I chose more in depth. I chose this because the film version of The Hobbit was more in depth because, when you read the book you don’t get the full picture and real life action that you would when watching the film and it makes it easier to piece together. An example from the book is, “Smaug lay, with his wings folded like an immeasurable bat, turned partly on one side, so that the hobbit could see his underparts of his long pale belly crusted with gems and fragments of gold from his long lying on his costly bed” (pg 214 Tolkien). From the movie when Bilbo is with Smaug when he …show more content…

This I chose because the book version of The Hobbit did a better job with narration. Narration to me is a very important because it adds descriptions to what your reading or watching. In the book it was easier to understand what I was reading because it had greater narration then the movie did. A quote from the book is, “There were black squirrels in the wood. As Bilbo’s sharp inquisitive eyes got used to seeing things he could catch glimpses of them whisking off the path and scuttling behind tree-trunks” (pg 140 Tolkien). In the movie I feel as if they did a poor job at making things more intense and as interesting as it was in the book. They also did a poor job at pointing out all the creatures in the forest. I believe that this modification was made because the writer wanted to make sure that everyone who reads the book knows exactly what’s going on point by point. This makes things easier to follow when you can know it all. Throughout everything I’ve said about the book having greater narration, I strongly believe that what I’ve said can encourage you to take my side on this

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