
The Holocaust: Causes Of The Holocaust

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Definition of the Holocaust: A genocide where over 6 million Jewish were killed by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi soldiers that lasted from 1933-1945

Causes of the holocaust?
1 Countries turning a blind eye to Hitler’s actions against Jews
2 Germans blamed Jews for their economic problems
3 Hitler wanted to eliminate those that weren’t of pure German race

Adolf Hitler
Who was he and his philosophies? Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi political party and first attempted to take over Germany by force, however he was arrested and sent to prison for a year. He decided to take over legally and eventually became Chancellor of Germany. He believed that Germans were of superior race and that Jews were the cause of Germany’s downfall during World …show more content…

3 Val Ginsburg
4 Edith Goldberg


Raoul Wallenberg
• First Secretary to Swedish Embassy in Budapest 1944
• Used diplomatic status to issue “protective passports” to Jews
• “protective passports” identified the Jews as Swedish citizens, preventing deportation to death camps
• Often personally intervened to obtain the release of these passport owners
• Rented over 30 buildings to house around 10000 Jewish refugees
• Put up fake signs on buildings saying “The Swedish Research Institute” and hanging Swedish flag to help hide the Jews
• Rescued around 100,000 Jewish
• In 1945 he was taken prisoner by the Soviet Red Army troops and was reported to have died 2 years later
Giovanni Palatucci
• Entered police force in 1936
• When anti-Jewish laws were enacted in 1938 used authority to forge travel papers permitting hundreds of Jews to flee persecution in eastern Europe
• Sometimes provided Jews with funds
• When Mussolini’s government fell, he made sure Jews were sent to a prison turned refugee camp run by his uncle instead of arresting and deporting them
• Destroyed over 5000 Jewish refugees saving them from death in concentration camps
• His activities were discovered in 1944 and was sent Dachau where he died


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