
The Holy Spirit In The Book Of Acts By Kimberly Campos

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The Book of Acts A Synopsis: By Kimberly Campos “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” -Acts 1:8
Just when there’s no hope for Humanity, The Holy Spirit (the third Godhead in the trinity) sent from the father as a promise to aid humankind to inspire and empower Theophilus (The ones who loves God) to spread the “Good News” on the Salvation of Jesus Christ. The necessity of the Holy Spirit is to increase effectiveness of churches and personal testimony and become witnesses in all the Earth. In addition, it gave the disciples a power to perform miracles and healing. …show more content…

The Holy Spirit filled the room and enabled the 120 people to speak in tongues. A crowd from that surrounding area heard a sound and started walking towards the room. Feeling perplexed, the crowd was in bewilderment, at how the people was able to speak their own language. Utterly amazed, the crowd thought that they're drunk. Then, Peter spoke to the crowd with boldness thanks to the power of the Holy Spirit. Filled with courage, He addressed them on how the 120 people was not drunk, but filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Also, it is a fulfillment of a prophecy by Joel the prophet. On top of that, we should accept Christ and immerse in baptistism in the name of Jesus. After that, three thousand people accepted the message and baptized. Thanks to the power of the Holy Spirit, the message expanded in

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