The Book of Acts A Synopsis: By Kimberly Campos “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” -Acts 1:8
Just when there’s no hope for Humanity, The Holy Spirit (the third Godhead in the trinity) sent from the father as a promise to aid humankind to inspire and empower Theophilus (The ones who loves God) to spread the “Good News” on the Salvation of Jesus Christ. The necessity of the Holy Spirit is to increase effectiveness of churches and personal testimony and become witnesses in all the Earth. In addition, it gave the disciples a power to perform miracles and healing.
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The Holy Spirit filled the room and enabled the 120 people to speak in tongues. A crowd from that surrounding area heard a sound and started walking towards the room. Feeling perplexed, the crowd was in bewilderment, at how the people was able to speak their own language. Utterly amazed, the crowd thought that they're drunk. Then, Peter spoke to the crowd with boldness thanks to the power of the Holy Spirit. Filled with courage, He addressed them on how the 120 people was not drunk, but filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Also, it is a fulfillment of a prophecy by Joel the prophet. On top of that, we should accept Christ and immerse in baptistism in the name of Jesus. After that, three thousand people accepted the message and baptized. Thanks to the power of the Holy Spirit, the message expanded in
The disciples are witnesses to the decent and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Then by their witness the are to proclaim the gospel to Jerusalem, Judea, Samar and to the all the ends of
The fundamental theme presented in chapter twenty five and twenty six of David W. Dorries book Spirit Filled Christology maintains that Jesus came, not only as a pathway for salvation, but also to lead as an example of the Spirit’s movements and to empower His church with supernatural abilities to further the ministry that He began. In order to expound upon his statements, Dorries uses historical context.
Statement # 1(From The Cradle, The Cross, and The Crown Chapter 8, Loc 10638 of 28382, 1st Paragraph) “There are several significant human agents, but there is one, and only one, major divine agent underlying the entire plot of the book of Acts: the Holy Spirit. For this reason, rather than identifying the book as presenting the “Acts of the Apostles,” it may be more accurate to say that at its heart are the “Acts of the Holy Spirit.” I believe that the book of Acts is a great depiction of how the Holy Spirit can and will move through dedicated people. Without the Holy Spirit, Paul and all the great men in the book of Acts are just great men.
Paul preaches sermon of remembrance that ends in Jesus at King in the line of David
In this paper, I will review Charles Ryrie’s book The Holy Spirit. I will detail what I feel the book is about. I will emphasize various points given by the author that stood out to me. Finally, I will give my personal evaluation of the book.
The various gifts of the Holy Spirit as listed in Scripture are conveyed according to the will of the Holy Spirit to every man for the eventual purpose of the edification and building up the church body.
Acts of the Apostles chronicles the rapid advancement of the Gospel by way of the gift of the Holy Spirit. “The Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles: The Charismatic Community in Mission” takes into account the narratives succeeding Pentecost including Spirit Baptisms from Samaria to Ephesus (Acts
In the opening scene of the book Acts, Luke records Jesus, who has recently risen, addressing the Apostles. Before He ascended into heaven, He left His disciples with a commission: to be witnesses. In Acts 1:8, Jesus stated, “[Y]ou will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Contextually, these last words of Jesus were remarkable to the immediate audience, and His last words are remarkable to those who properly interpret Acts 1:8. The context of Acts 1:8, the interpretation, and the practically of Acts 1:8 reveal effective principles for Christians who desire to spread the Gospel throughout the ends of the earth.
The witness is not just the power to preach the gospel; the first result of the coming of the Holy Spirit is the ability to speak in other tongues.
It is also important to see their obedience Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem (acts 1:12) Jesus told them to return to Jerusalem and wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit, and that is exactly what they did. They heard what he had sad and responded to what Jesus told them to do, even though He was no longer physically present with them. This was major key in ushering in the power of the holy Spirit.
The two biggest reasons for the book of Acts was to explain and model the church, and to show how the holy spirit works. The acts of the church were something no one had heard of at that time. The term "saved" didn't have any meaning at all and "christian" was a term made by outsiders to explain who these people were. The church was growing by the thousands and it is such a huge part of history for the christian church because it is a model for the christian community what the church should look like till Jesus comes again. The Holy Spirit was around in the old testament, but it was one place at a time, and there are places in the bible saying it left the person it resided in. Now the holy spirit is viewed as a power that we have inside of
The book of Acts is known as 'the birth of the church'. Acts recounts the story of
In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit is the source of life and creation. The Holy Spirit worked in the lives of men that God placed His Spirit upon such as prophets and kings to perform His service. Therefore, the Holy Spirit was not given universally in the Old Testament but selectively and temporarily for service. However, in the New Testament, the Spirit grants life to God’s people and believers are brought to faith, in Jesus, through the sovereign work of the Spirit.
Their is much debate surrounding the use of the charismatic gifts in Acts. Many questions arise about how to use such gifts, and whether or not they can be used today in the first place. The debate regarding the continuation and the cessation of the spiritual gifts, the meaning of which we will clarify in a moment, is a relatively modern one. Although we read about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in Acts, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the early church of the New Testament, history is more or less silent on this issue. It was not until the early
When an individual comes to faith in Christ he or she is not left alone to battle the struggles of sin, lead people to Jesus, experience heartache and sorrow, find God’s will, or live a life that is pleasing and honoring to the Lord. No, Christians are given an awesome gift that cannot be purchased or earned. Believers are blessed with the gift of a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in John 14:16, “ And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.”(ESV) Sadly, many believers do not have a correct understanding of who the Holy Spirit is, or what He does. The purpose of this paper is define the person and work of the Holy Spirit.