2. What is the nature of the conflict between Esperanza and Ramon early in the film? Is Esperanza and Ramon's behavior toward each other different in public and private? Why/how? a. The nature of the conflict between Esperanza and Ramon early in the film; Ramon is the man of the house which resulted him making all the decision. Esperanza is a housewife which consistent cleaning the house, washing clothes, taking care of the children, serving food, and making coffee for his husband. Ramon shows dominance over his wife; forcing Ramon not to stand up for herself. b. In the beginning of the movie Ramon doesn't stand up for her self and lets Esperanza walk all over her in public and private. Esperanza is always complaining how difficult his job is and how women will never understand how dangerous it is working in the mines. Ramon tends to talk to her self, making her points of view being known to herself. Once she had the opportunity to stand up and strike for their husbands. It gave her confidence that she could do anything her husband could do. c. …show more content…
Ramon behavior changes through the movie when she is given the chance to strike for her husband which Esperanza wasn't to please about it. Esperanza believed that women should be standing stay-at-home moms and shouldn't be doing men's work. In the beginning of the movie she was easy influenced by her husband but with the help of her girlfriends. Her friends convince her that they have a voice and that they too can make change. Taking over the strike for her husband it made her open her eyes that they can do what their husband are doing. While they were doing the strike they were harassed multiple times by the police which gave her the confidence to stand up to her husband; when she was at
Did you know that Esperanza has changed in several different ways throughout the book? If you didn’t know this then you should read this book. Esperanza is very different from the people from the camp they went to. In the beginning Esperanza is selfish when she had gotten on the train. She was also very naive too. But in the middle of the book she changes a lot. She is very nice and giving.
Esperanza is able to look at her great grandmother and realize what she does not want to become, but also she realizes what she does want: to become a strong, independent woman.
In the film, “Salt of the Earth” workers are fighting for rights at the job. The women also have a part in the situation, they want better hygiene. Debby Rosenfelt writes, “The opening scenes establish almost immediately the conflict between the women and the men, and the apparent conflict between the problems of the women and the problems of the men. The camera shows both Esperanza and Ramon at work. Esperanza is chopping wood, carrying it to the fire, scrubbing the clothes, hanging the wash, tending the children. Ramon is lighting fuses of dynamite in the darkness of the mine shaft. It suggests the difficulty and significance of both kinds of work. Yet initially the conflict between Ramon and Esperanza centers on their mutual failure to understand
One example is when she talks to Alicia about their homes. Before they talk, Esperanza states that Alicia gave Esperanza a bag with the “word GUADALAJARA stitched onto it, which is home for Alicia, and one day she will go back there” (106). Here, Esperanza contrasts her temporary home with Alicia’s permanent one. While Alicia has an actual home where she can live for the rest of her life; Esperanza doesn’t and continuously moves to her different “homes”. By comparing her home, she is implying that she wants a home where she can settle and be happy, not like the one on Mango Street. This ultimately shows that she’s not satisfied with her current lifestyle and wants for a better life. Another comparison is when she compares her age and gender with an older man. In the vignette “The First Job”, she lands a job at a photo developer studio where she hides from the other men and women at lunch time because she is scared of them looking at her. Subsequently, she meets a man who says it’s his birthday and asks for a tiny birthday kiss, and she thinks “I thought I would just because he was so old… he grabs my face with both hands and kisses me hard on the mouth” (55). Here, Esperanza compares her age and gender with the actions that the older man does. She is working a normal day, then randomly a guy comes up and kisses her directly, without her consent. By showing this example of an old man in the workplace, she is basically stating men, especially older ones, are dangerous by sexually harassing young women such as herself. This means that she doesn’t visualize men as people who she will marry and live a happy life with, but people who are filled with evil. Through comparing and contrasting Esperanza with other characters, a deeper sense of understanding of Esperanza is
Eventually, Esperanza decides she does not need to set herself apart from the others in her
As Esperanza goes into detail,The more Esperanza describes her neighbors the more Esperanza struggles with her place in society and desires to leave her neighborhood.
Esperanza showing hatred toward Sally indirectly shows how Esperanza has matured. All in all, Esperanza Cordero’s lack of innocence and gaining of knowledge develops her into a more mature character.
Esperanza is a shy but a very bright girl. She dreams of the perfect home now, with beautiful flowers in their luscious garden and a room for everyone to live in comfortably all because of the unsatisfied face the nun made that one afternoon--when she moves to the house of Mango Street. She thinks it’s going to be a “grand house on a hill that will have a bedroom for everyone and at least three washrooms so when they took a bath they would not have to tell everybody.” (Cinceros 4) Reality is so different for her when her dream is shot down in a heartbeat when she
Esperanza has a variety of female role models in her life. Many are trapped in abusive relationships, waiting for others to change their live. Esperanza had many struggles in her life, not growing up where and how she wanted to so role models were very important to her. These role models showed her the way she didn't
Esperanza and her mother made the choice to leave Mexico and go to California to work and escape Tio Luis, which I believe to be a good decision. Before going, Esperanza was spoiled, rich, and quite full of herself, living in a high social class family, and in general thought of herself better than others. At first, she was against leaving everything she knew and loved, but in the end, found herself liking California. Esperanza made new friends, in particular, Isabel, who taught her many things, even though she was younger. She taught her how to appreciate what she had, and how to get a job done. She taught her how to deal with the fact that
Now, Esperanza has changed a lot throughout the book. First she was spoiled and a brat. Here are some examples when she kept on complaining about their living conditions. She called the cabin a horse stable. So she has been really disrespectful to her mom and Miguel.
Esperanza and Mholo are similar in the manner they have each faced the challenges associated with a humbling living situation. Deeper than their living situations they both have experienced dealings with social class and cultural differences and the stereotyping resulting from them. Mholo secretly stays with her sister in the basement of a very well off family. When madam of the family ushers Mholo off the property, rather show her a little hospitability and allow her wait for her sister. Suggests the madam was uncomfortable with Mholo’s presence because she was different than her family. Esperanza lives with her entire family in a small one bedroom one bath house in a neighborhood with a less than respectable reputation attached to it. Esperanza
Esperanza believes in feminism and women independence. In the vignette Rafaela who drinks coconut and papaya juice on Tuesday, this character is confined in her house because her husband thinks she is too beautiful to look at. “And then Rafaela who is still young but getting old from leaning out the window so much gets locked indoors
The vignette “Beautiful and Cruel,” conveys the impact it has on Esperanza. In this vignette, Esperanza feels that she is “an ugly daughter” and “the one nobody cares about” (Cisneros 88). She does not need, or want, a man to lead her life, unlike the women she knows. She does not need, or want, a man to make decisions for her. Unfortunately, she still feels the pressure to look gorgeous and stunning: “Nenny has pretty eyes and it’s easier to talk that way
Lots of things can change when era changes except gender roles but after read this story, gender roles are changing distinctly than others. Even though it has changed a lot now, woman still has difficulty with when they get a job so we must strive until the equality of man and woman is evenly distributed. Esperanza make effort to improve her life and cultivate own self but not make effort to gender equality. She has interest in gender role but not that much so she think about it but not to act. From this essay, I have gave examples of how people might react to the idea about gender roles. However, we need to realize that women should take action for themselves instead of following