
The House On Mango Street Movie Analysis

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2. What is the nature of the conflict between Esperanza and Ramon early in the film? Is Esperanza and Ramon's behavior toward each other different in public and private? Why/how? a. The nature of the conflict between Esperanza and Ramon early in the film; Ramon is the man of the house which resulted him making all the decision. Esperanza is a housewife which consistent cleaning the house, washing clothes, taking care of the children, serving food, and making coffee for his husband. Ramon shows dominance over his wife; forcing Ramon not to stand up for herself. b. In the beginning of the movie Ramon doesn't stand up for her self and lets Esperanza walk all over her in public and private. Esperanza is always complaining how difficult his job is and how women will never understand how dangerous it is working in the mines. Ramon tends to talk to her self, making her points of view being known to herself. Once she had the opportunity to stand up and strike for their husbands. It gave her confidence that she could do anything her husband could do. c. …show more content…

Ramon behavior changes through the movie when she is given the chance to strike for her husband which Esperanza wasn't to please about it. Esperanza believed that women should be standing stay-at-home moms and shouldn't be doing men's work. In the beginning of the movie she was easy influenced by her husband but with the help of her girlfriends. Her friends convince her that they have a voice and that they too can make change. Taking over the strike for her husband it made her open her eyes that they can do what their husband are doing. While they were doing the strike they were harassed multiple times by the police which gave her the confidence to stand up to her husband; when she was at

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