
The Human Immune System And Its Effects On Disease Development

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The human immune system has advanced to distinguish between and eliminate disease-causing microorganisms. Nevertheless, a symbiotic relationship has been developed with several species of bacteria that not only inhabit the gut, but also make up the natural commensal flora or microbiota. The microbiota, being essential in the breakdown of nutrients, helps prevent colonization by potentially pathogenic bacteria. Also, the gut commensal bacteria appear to be vital in the growth of an efficiently functioning immune system. Many studies have been done to demonstrate that various species of microbiota can cause responses from different types of immune cells such as Th17 cells and Foxp3+ regulatory T cells, suggesting that the properties of the microbiota can have a significant influence on immune response. Although the microbiota is found in the gut, it seems to have a substantial effect on immune response. In fact, specific gut commensal bacteria have displayed a correlation in affecting disease development in other organs besides the gut, and depending on the type of species, can have a wide range of effects on disease, whether that being inhibition or protection. It has also been determined that the initial composition of the microbiota is significant through the effects of milk attained by either breastfeeding or formula feeding. All in all, the gut microbiota has been found to be significant in the development of the host’s immunity to various pathogenic microorganisms, and

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