
The Hunger Artist

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Sacrifice is the act of giving up something of value to gain something that is considered to be more important than what was given up; hunger is a form of sacrifice. The Hunger Artist by Franz Kafka, is an interesting short story that describes a man’s dark and depressing life. In this man’s life he is a hunger artist who starves himself to make small amounts of money and to gain attention from his audiences. The hunger artist was a man who was separated from society by his fasting and suffered from the harmful effects of his pride and confusion. The Hunger Artist is a short story that tells about a man who starves himself for a living. The man in this story has no home and lives a nomadic life. He tours around Europe with his manager …show more content…

The three main symbols in The Hunger Artist are the cage, clock, and the panther. The cage represents how the hunger artist is separated from the rest of society. The man separated himself from society from a physical sense by locking himself in a cage and not coming out. However, he also separated himself from a mental standpoint by making his life revolve around his audiences and putting their wants and needs above his own. This symbolism represents the cage and how separation from society led to the hunger artist’s downfall. The next symbol described in the story is the clock. The clock was the only piece of furniture in the man’s cage besides the hay. “The all-important striking of the clock that was the only piece of furniture in his cage” (333). The clock represents that as time goes on the hunger artist’s relationship with his audience continues to fail which starts the domino effect that carries over to the man’s mental health. Ultimately the clock shows that the hunger artist’s life is slowly ticking away and that he is slowly killing his body and his mind. The last major symbolism used in the story is the panther. The panther replaces the hunger artist in his cage after he passes away. The panther is the complete opposite of the hunger artist. “Furnished almost to the bursting point with all that it needed, seemed to carry freedom around with it too” (342). The panther was full of life and energy and on top of that was well nourished. The panther is very well liked in the circus unlike the hunger artist was. Another trait the panther possessed that the hunger artist did not was that the panther did not require attention to be happy. If the hunger artist would have simply lived with this mindset his life would have been so much more brighter and positive. The strong use of symbolism in this story helps explain to the

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