
The Hunting Ground Analysis

Good Essays

One in five women in college will be sexual assualted during college. Yet that is not what I though about the summer before college. I was free from high school. I was excited about college. I was about to move away from home and finally be on my own. There were so many new and exciting things about to happen. Yet I was nerves as well. I was about to move far from home to new place where I knew no one. If things went wrong, my parents will not be there to fix it. For me this is how the summer when. Yet there was another worry that I forgot about, something I had talk and thought a lot senior year. This worry came from a documentary my friend and I watched senior year, The Hunting Ground. This is a documentary about sexual assault on college campus. How colleges cover it up and the toll it has on victims and their families. Watching the women that step up to talk about these stories, I could help but think how easy that could be one of my friends, someone I love or me.
This was not the first time I had heard about sexual assault, yet in some way it hit home more than anything else. My parents had talked to my sister and I more than once about how to be safe and what to do if we were raped. Yet it seemed so far away, I always thought it could not be me. Yet The Hunting Ground, made it all so more real, that it easily could be …show more content…

It looks bad. They want to silence the problem. College are trying to sell a brand.They have an image to maintain. No parent would send their child to a school, where they could be put in danger. So schools make it hard to report sexual assault and do not anything when it is reported. This is exactly what the schools want. 45% of schools reported zero sexuals assults on their campus. (cited) This helps to aid in the that there is not problem of sexual assault on college campus. So when a list like the one from ED, it harmful to these college

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