
The Hunting Ground Analysis

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“One in five college women, and one in 33 college men, will be sexually assaulted during their time on campus, adding up to an estimated 100,000 assaults for the coming year. But only 5% of these get reported. (The Hunting Ground).” With statistics like these, it’s easy to see why sexual assault is still a prevalent issue on college campuses. In the Movie, The Hunting Ground, the issue of sexual assault on college campuses is addressed. What set this documentary apart from other documentaries that address sexual assault was that it was from the views of the victims, as opposed to just covering statistics and generally talking about the issue. Aside from sexual assault, the other main topic covered was title IX, which is a program that is required …show more content…

Often, I found myself yelling at the TV screen in disbelief and anger. The story that spoke to me the loudest, although not as similar to my own story, was that of Erica Kinsman. She was sexual assaulted by the quarter back of FSU, Jameis Winston. Because of the sports frenzy in the south, people around the Florida State University campus shamed HER for coming out about her sexual assault, because it was ruining his future. WHAT?! This hit close to home for me because she was a sister of the Florida State Delta Zeta sorority chapter, which is the same house that I am affiliated with at a different university. One of the best things about a sorority is having a connection with other women from across the nation that share the same sisterhood as you, and to know a sister that has gone through a similar circumstance as me, made me feel more connected to her situation, and therefore, made me even more angry about the whole situation. It amazed me when they showed interviews of the Florida state fans talking about Erica, because more of the people they interviewed were females, and they all condemned her for potentially ruining an athlete’s future, as opposed to worrying about the fact that the face of their school athletic department was a serial …show more content…

The documentary stated that “the second most common type of insurance claim against the fraternity industry is from sexual assault (The Hunting Ground).” But because the Fraternities have more to offer to the university, than the university has to offer the Fraternities, everybody just kind of turns their cheek because ignoring the situation is easier than standing up to it, and getting involved (The Hunting Ground). Alumni relations are very important to the Greek community, because, for the most part, it is the alumni that financially support the organizations. It’s frustrating to me that institutions care more about money, than the well-being of their students. However, recently Oklahoma State University has been taking the initiative to figure out the significance of sexual assault on our campus. Being that mine occurred on a different campus, I have not dealt with the issue first hand at Oklahoma State University. It would take talking to the president or other staff members on campus to fully understand how our campus would handle it. Obviously, we all would like to think that our campus would take initiative in the circumstance that sexual assault occurs, however, as shown in the movie, most colleges publicly declare that they “take these situations very seriously,” when they are just saying what the public wants to hear. Behind the scenes, it is a

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