Question 1: The Ice Storm introduces us to two families, with four characters in each family. Select ONE pair of characters and discuss their relationship in one sequence in terms of RECOGNITION of their character traits and your ALIGNMENT with them (who do you know most about in the scene?). Choose any sequence involving two characters, EXCEPT the one where Ben drives Paul home and gives him the ‘self-abuse’ talk. We analysed this sequence in class so choose another one. The scene from The Ice Storm is when Paul has returned home from school and has gone into Wendy’s bedroom. In terms of recognition, at this point in the film we know that Paul goes to a boarding school, is socially awkward, is a virgin, is interested in a girl in her class …show more content…
In reality all humans are not inherently good or bad; doing something bad does not make you a bad person and vice …show more content…
Being part of the project academically by being a teacher meant that she knew that she was walking into a scientific experiment and that specific outcomes were expected/hoped for. During teaching sessions Nim would be physically abused if he acted out of line, which is a terrible way to teach a child but because they view Nim as a chimp and not a human they do so with less guilt of harming him. She says in the documentary that Nim had bit her and she bit him back to show him who was dominant in the student/teacher relationship. In a human relationship, the guilty party would apologise for their actions, as the saying goes, “an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.” When the project abruptly ended, Nim was to be sent back to where he came from and was eventually sold to LEMSIP which tested on animals. The researches on the project did not think about what life would be like for Nim after the experiment; they all knew that at some point the experiment would come to an end. Being raised in a strictly human environment for his entire life and depending on human connection he would not cope very well with ‘his own kind’. Then being subjected to animal experimentation, after being raised to trust humans is betrayed by them (Pick p.
It is a very arguable subject on whether or not people are born with good intentions, and therefore taught by others the ‘evil’ side of their personality. Whether it is the absence of ethical conduct in human nature, or just the way one perceives a situation, evil seems to be prominent in our everyday lives. Humans seem to have a moral code that follows them with every decision they make, yet despite the laws of morality and society, people of this world still seem to behave inhumanely because of the act of self-preservation, human interest, and who exactly the authority figure is at the time.
3. Identify each of the following characters below by (1) their relationship to one another and (2) what can be inferred about their personalities thus far.
I believe that human beings are basically good. When they are first born and grow up as babies and toddlers, humans are innocent. However, with the effects of outside experiences and social expectations, human beings can be prone to evil. Humans want to be recognized within society and this can be seen in the movie, “The Talented Mr. Ripley”. Due to the social environment that Tom Ripley lives in, he feels the need to fit in and be wealthy like the people around him. This causes him to seek for ways, whether the action is moral or immoral, to attain a higher social status.
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote is a novel that explains the history of a family murder through two characters perspective. Capote unravels each character through the concept of juxtapose, which helps prevail the occurrence of events. Dick, is a very straight forward man that does not care about what others think. Whereas, Perry has a shy, conserved personality that is shown through transitions and details. Juxtapose effects the readers and characters as explained throughout the novel by comparing and contrasting two different characters opinions.Details are shown on every page and are illustrated in every sentence, which gives the reader the image. In Cold Blood represents the development of characters, juxtapose, transitions and details.
Many people have their own views on humanity. They can either be that humans are essentially good but can become corrupt or that people are just essentially evil. They have their own opinions, some people can tell their perspective on humans in other fashions. If people are essentially good, they how do they become corrupt? Or if are truly evil, then why do some people seem like they are kind people and they can never do such things? To take both of these into account, a person may saw that people are good but deep down have evil within them. People may ask how does the evil within a person come out, the answer to that is that it is thanks to their environment. The environment around a person can undoubtedly draw out the evil within them
Good and bad, two opposite terms that are used by people. ‘Good’ is known as morally excellent and ‘bad’ is known as being wicked or having an evil character. The ideas of good and bad are thought to be connected to human nature. Human nature is the characteristics, feelings, and behaviours of humankind that is shared by all humans. Because good and bad are two opposite terms and it is in human nature this has led to attempts to explain how both good and bad behaviours affect peoples’ daily life. The debate of on explanations of human’s good and bad behaviour still is ongoing nowadays. Two Chinese philosophers, Mencius (2016) and Hsun Tzu (1963) have relevant approaches to analysing this behaviour. Hsun Tzu focused on human
In the end it is you how chooses if you do the evil thing or a good thing., People are generally born good, but there are many factors that can leave a person to act watchful. The way someone is raised has an impact as well as society and human
For human beings to choose to do good, they must also have the choice to harm. Evil is a necessary aspect of creating a world in which human beings have free
No one is born good or evil; it is one's environment and the people they encounter in life which makes them good or evil. A lot of time it is not the individual's fault of the way they are, they might have seen so many bad doings that, they are use to it and might think that it is right. One is not born with a vision of knowing what is wrong and what is right in life, but learns when something happens to
Authors in many instances use the main elements in the story such as setting and narrative to prove a point in the story. For example, writers often use characters, their actions, and their interaction with other characters to support or prove a theme. In the short story “Our Thirteenth Summer”, Barry Callaghan effectively uses characters to develop the theme that childhood is fragile and easily influenced. One of the ways that Callaghan makes effective use of characters to develop the theme is by describing the tension between Bobbie and his parents. This usage of characters supports the theme because Bobbie’s childhood is no longer free to do what he wishes, but has to bow down to his parents’
Whether human beings are instinctually good or evil in an elementary natural state is a question that has been boggling the minds of even the greatest philosophers. There is a spectrum of theories that support both good and evil within the human race, each with valid points that explains the range of our interests, being either for ourselves or for others. However, my personal stance is the sensible theory of Altruism. Past experiences and observations allow me to take the stance, and support the argument that humans are caring and genuinely good individuals and have the will and desire to help those around them.
evil creates or brings good. Yet, if there was only good we would not have to
Kate Chopin implies in the selection, "The Storm" that the setting and the plot reinforces each character's action, but only two characters exemplify the title itself, Calixta and Alcee. The storm becomes the central element of Alcee's unrequited love for Calixta and ultimately the instrument of their forbidden love to each other. Hurston concurs in the "The Storm" that a forbidden relationship can become a cancerous love and silent death sentence.
Being good or doing good things leads to many things, but in order to give a clearer definition, one must understand what it is that these good actions created. Once one understands this, then the individual can clearly see the logic behind what some would consider an evil action. Over time, humankind has strived to become what they believed to be holy pure or good. This attempt at being what is virtuous has given birth to a set code of conduct or thoughts that are now commonly seen as the right thing. This code of conduct was based upon morals, which are any given individuals thoughts and believes on what is acceptable as good and evil. Due to the fact that mankind also strives to be accepted by there peers, a common set of morals was established and agreed upon by any specific generation of people to be the good thing. Understanding and knowing these the morals of these given times in history will be necessary to understanding how to define evil.
In the short story “The Storm” by Kate Chopin, the main character Calixta is a wife and mother who appears to be unhappy and restless in her marriage and commits adultery. Calixta is able to fulfill her sexual desires with another man and does not feel guilty about it. Some readers may say that Calixta’s attitude on having an affair is selfish and most readers will not identify with the main character but may know characters that have Calixta’s mentality.