
The Illuminated Manuscripts

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For this week’s assignment, I will examine the Illuminated Manuscripts from the Middle Ages and how they parallel in contemporary society. By definition an Illuminated manuscript is a manuscript where a handwritten book is accompanied by borders, smaller illustrations (called miniatures) and is decorated with gold or silver. These illuminated manuscripts may also be referred to as a “display book”. They were mostly done on animal skin or parchment and decorated with expensive dyes. The bright colors brought the figures to life. By having the pictures, people were able to understand, as many in medieval times could not read. . One of the most famous illuminated manuscripts is The Book of Kells. It was written in …show more content…

Scrapbooks are created by placing photos in a book with text alongside describing the scene. Perhaps this page would tell the story of a memorable trip and the book all together would tell the story of someone’s life. The artists of medieval times wrote and painted the illuminated manuscripts to depict specific events that they wanted others to know about. Although the majority of these illuminated manuscripts had a religious genre, I consider them to be related to the way we display our photos in a scrapbook today. Like the illuminated manuscript, a scrapbooks also utilize text and photos to “tell a story”, both on one page so someone could look at the pictures and know exactly what is happening. By reading the words that accompany the photos, the reader is able to discover what is happening in the

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