
The Impact Of Emissions That Are Generated From Cradle To Gate

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Transportation off-site emissions are emissions that are generated from cradle to gate. The total emissions index is used to assess each alternative where overall emissions are divided into direct and indirect emissions. The direct emissions index, indirect emissions index, total emissions index and global emission index can be calculated using equation 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Detailed information on calculating direct and indirect emissions can be found elsewhere (Marzouk et al., 2017).
Ed=T1*(Eghg/〖Eghg〗_sum )+T2*(Eap/〖Eap〗_Sum )+T3*(Ehh/〖Ehh〗_Sum )+T4*(Eep/〖Eep〗_Sum )+T5*(Eod/〖Eod〗_Sum )+T6*(Es/〖Es〗_Sum ) (1) …show more content…

Eghgi, Eapi, Ehhi, Eepi, Eodi, and Esi are potentials produced from material production and transportation off- site phases for greenhouse gases footprint (equivalent carbon dioxide), acidification potential, human health (HH) particulate, eutrophication potential, ozone depletion and smog, respectively. k represents components (assemblies) of construction project. E^tot is unitless.
The greenhouse gases footprint produced from construction process (〖Eghg〗^c) and transportation (〖Eghg〗^t) process is calculated using the Equations 5 and 6.
〖Eghg〗^c=∑_(j=1)^n▒〖〖Cons〗_Avg (j)*Working hours(j)*Act_work(j)*γ_Diesel*CEF〗*T(j) (5)
〖Eghg〗^t=∑_(i=1)^n▒〖〖Cons〗_Avg (i)*Working hours(i)*Act_work(i)*γ_Diesel*CEF〗*T_tra (i) (6)
j is number of equipment used in construction for specific construction element. i is number of equipment used in transportation process on site. 〖Cons〗_Avg is average consumption of certain equipment (liters/hour). Working hours are number of working hours of certain equipment (8 hours per day). Act_work is percentage that the equipment will actually works. γ_Diesel is density of diesel. CEF is carbon emission factor. The density of diesel

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