
The Impact Of European Colonialism On The African Continent Today

Decent Essays

The impact of European Colonialism is still largely visible on the African continent today. For most Africans, European rule ended around the 1960s, leaving behind a legacy of arbitrary political boundaries, ineffective governance, corruption, and nonviable economic practices.
The most evident colonial impact on Africa is the seemingly nonsensical demarcations between African states. The political boundaries throughout Africa were determined by the pre-existing boarders and administrative divisions of the former colonial territories. This means contemporary African states possess borders which reflect the imperial prerogatives of the former colonial empires, and not the needs of the states as they exist today (Thomson, 2016, p. 13). The post-colonial political boundaries fail to account for different ethnic or identity groups existing on the continent, with the effect of many ethnic groups being lumped into a single state, while others are divided between the borders of two or more states (Thomson, 2016, p. 14). Some African states possess too little territory to be economically viable (Stock, 2015, p. 2), while others struggle to control fast regions with hundreds of distinct ethnic groups (Thomson, 2016, p. 14). The impact of these colonial boundaries left 16 African states landlocked. The economies of most landlocked states remain severely vulnerable due to the reliance on potentially unstable neighbors for trade, in lieu of easy access to international markets through

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