
The Impact Of Frederick The Great Philosopher's Influence On European Society

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Frederick the Great was born at a time of pivotal transformation - transformation who’s effects are still felt today, in Europe and elsewhere. The 18th century is recognized as the time of Enlightenment, marking "mankind's exit from its self-incurred immaturity”. Often referred to as the “Age of Reason”, the Enlightenment emphasized the importance of rationalism in governance and allowed philosophy and the arts to flourish. The Enlightenment set itself against what was perceived to have been the centuries of superstition, ignorance and venality that had followed the fall of the great ancient civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome, which were deemed to have exemplified a thirst for rational learning and thought. In the early 1700s, new philosophical principles spread …show more content…

Philosophers like Kant and Voltaire were recognized in their lifetimes for their contributions to the European Enlightenment and are still mainstays of philosophical study in academic institutions today. These two philosophers were united in their advocacy for religious tolerance, encouragement of rationalism,and emphasis on the rights of the individual. In 1712, Frederick the Great was born into this rapidly changing intellectual environment and grew up during the early years of the Enlightenment. As a young man, he took full advantage of the philosophical ideas that were becoming prevalent in European intellectual circles and immersed himself in philosophy and the arts. His father, Frederick I, a conservative monarch of the European “old school” was horrified. “My son is a flute-player and a poet!” the elder king once cried, infuriated. Frederick even went so far as to hire a ‘homeschool teacher’ who was, in reality, a flute instructor hiding his true identity to avoid Frederick’s father’s

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