Chapter 2- The Impact of Sexual Abuse On the Child
Although briefly mentioned earlier, the impact of child abuses on a child is not to be neglected (whether a teenager or a small child). That is why it is important to have a closer look at it. It was not so long ago that America was crowded with a new phenomenon (it might have existed before, but it was more frequent in the 70s), which is the rise of murders, also known as serial murders. It was all over the country and most of the perpetrators of these crimes were known as serial killers and mostly qualified as psychopaths or sociopaths. Most of us are familiar with their names now, like Ted Bundy, Ed Gein, Dennis Raider and many more. They all were guilty of some of the most atrocious murder crimes, which have marked our history and scarred our sensitivity with images that belong in the most gruesome horror movies. One thing that is certain and most psychologists, like Robert Hare, a researcher in the field of criminal psychology would agree that they all have something in common, which is that they all were marked in their childhood by some kind of child abuse. For that matter, it is important to first, describe the direct impact of child abuse, and perhaps explain how these direct consequences can affect these children while they are growing up. This should give a good idea about the real dangers of child abuse.
Direct Short Term Impact
The direct consequences of child abuse have to do with the immediate reactions to
Of the many problems faced by children and adolescents, few provoke such moral outrage as childhood sexual abuse. Many times, as on the television show “To Catch a Predator”, such abuse can be inflicted by strangers who may gradually become familiar with the child online. Sadly, however, often times the perpetrator of sexual abuse on children is someone much more familiar to the child- someone the child may even love.
There are significant signs of psychological trauma due to any kind of abuse. Children experience feelings of low self esteem and depression. Many exhibit behavioral problems including aggression towards other children. Other emotional problems include hostility, fear, humiliation and the inability to express feelings. The social impacts of physical abuse include inability to form relationships, poor social skills, poor cognitive language skills, distrust of others, over-compliance with authority figures, and tendency to solve interpersonal problems with aggression. (2008, p. 1). Verbal and physical abuse has a cumulative impact on children’s socialization. Abused children are caught in damaged relationships and are not socialized in positive, supportive way (Craig & Dunn, Ex.: 2010, p. 196). They learn defiance, manipulation and other problem behaviors that are used to escape any maltreatment. In turn they will learn to exploit, degrade and terrorize.
“The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act” states’ that “child abuse is the leading cause of death in children under the age of eighteen.” Child abuse occurs when adults inflict violence and cruelty upon children. Abuse is any willful act that results in physical, mental, or sexual injury that causes or is likely to cause the child to be physically, mental, or emotionally impaired. Abuse happens to children of any age, sex, race, religion, and social status.
There are many things that cause parents to abuse their children and there are also many affects that abuse has on the child being abused. You cannot pinpoint one cause for child abuse, because parents abuse their children for many different reasons. One reason for the abuse is that the parents were abused as children. So, this is the only way they know to discipline their children. Another reason is that the parents are teenagers and not ready for children One more reason for the abuse is alcohol and substance abuse. The affect that abuse has on children is not only physical but the abuse affects children on many different levels. When children are abused they are 53% more likely to commit criminal acts as an adolescent and 40% more likely to commit a crime as an adult. Also the children have maladaptive, anti-social and
Child maltreatment is a widespread issue that affects thousands of children every year. There are four common types of child maltreatment; sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. All of these types of abuse are very serious and can have many consequences for the children and families. The most common consequence of severe child maltreatment is the removal of that child from their home (Benbenishty, Segev, Surkis, and Elias, 2002). Most social workers trying to determine the likelihood of removal evaluate the type and severity of abuse, as well as the child’s relationship with their parents (Benbenishty et al., 2002). When children are removed from their homes there are many options of alternative housing. The
Childhood trauma is one of the most heartbreaking situations to ever fathom happening. Childhood trauma includes neglect, maltreatment, physical and emotional abuse, and many other forms of mistreatment amongst children. Childhood trauma occurs between the ages of 0 and 6 years of age. When referencing to childhood trauma, one must take thought into who commits the abuse, who is affected by the abuse, and what long term effects can the abuse have on the victims. One must also take into consideration the sex differences when referring to childhood trauma. Numerous of studies have been conducted and many findings have been made. Prior to conducting this research paper, I only considered childhood trauma to be what it was and never considered the long term effects. Because of my assumption, I never even considered the other categories of the trauma.
Child abuse is a term impacted by copious multidimensional and interactive factors that relate to its origins and effects upon a child's developing capacities and which may act as a catalyst to broader, longer-term implications for adulthood. Such maltreatment may be of a sexual, physical, emotional or neglectful nature, each form holding a proportion of shared and abuse-specific psychological considerations (Mash & Wolfe, 2005). Certainly in terms of the effects / impairments of abuse, developmental factors have been identified across all classifications of child abuse, leading to a comparably greater risk of emotional / mental health problems in adult life within the general population
An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America today (Darness2Light, 2009a ). This figure continues to grow daily as perpetrators of this crime continue in this destructive path. The definition of child sexual abuse is the force, coercion, or cajoling of children into sexual activities by a dominant adult or adolescent. Sexual abuse of children includes touching (physical) sexually including: fondling; penetration (vaginal or anal using fingers, foreign objects or offenders organs; oral sex, or non-physical contact including: sexual comments; indecent exposures; masturbating in a child’s presence; child prostitution or child pornography (Child Welfare, 2009a).
Child abuse is epidemic in many countries as well as the United States. It is estimated that every thirteen seconds a child is abused in some manner: physically, sexually, emotionally or by neglect (Friedman). Each year, there are over 3 million reports of child abuse in the United States involving more than 6 million children. Child abuse can be reduced with proper education of the parents and with greater public awareness.
Imagine yourself as a child. More specifically, a young boy. Life as a child seems simple enough. While you are young you have care givers who try to make sure that everything is done for you. But there is still the matter of growing up. When you are young, adults cherish your innocence. Everyone just wants to protect you from the dangers of the world. You are a symbol of hope, with the whole world ahead of you. What if the innocence that all of your loved ones cherish, no longer exists? All the “cute” “corky” things you did was just acting, in a feeble attempt to bring back the child you once were. Something so precious was taken from you, and all you can think of doing is blaming yourself. The guilt consumes you the more you
Child sexual abuse has been reported up to 80,000 times a year, but the number of unreported instances is far greater, because the children are afraid to tell anyone what has happened (American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry). Childhood sexual abuse is a traumatic experience affecting the lives of not only the victim, but those close to the victim as well. Many think there is only one person truly traumatized, but in fact, everyone involved is affected. The victim has to deal with their experience the rest of their lives. They may be more at risk for other mental issues as well, including depression. The family involved has to deal with its pain, often causing hardship and discord within the family. This is especially true
Sexual abuse of minors is a systemic problem that is not going to disappear. Lawmakers and organizations must be proactive and work together in order to protect the vulnerable young people in the society. Additional clarity and enforcement of laws is needed as well as ethical and moral leadership within organizations that prioritize people rather than worldly success. Leaders from both secular institutions and religious organizations have the duty to take proactive measures to protect minors. Christian leaders have an even higher calling to protect children and lead ethically.
Due to the rise of domestic violence in many families, psychologists are helping affected children cope and confront their emotional imprisonment by using various methods. Over the years, there has been a drastic increase in domestic violence cases. In many instances, the children are most affected in the involvement of the violent disputes. Psychologists study the behaviors of affected children and develop a plan of treatment that aim towards the child’s overall health. Psychologists provide the best treatment by immersing themselves inside the child’s situation and connecting with what the child sees. Furthermore, psychologist use a strategy of taking small steps in the overall treatment. Sadly, over the years, there’s been an increase
Child abuse consists of any act or failure to act that endangers a child’s physical or emotional health and development. A person caring for a child is abusive if he or she fails to nurture the child, physically injures the child, or relates sexually to the child (Robins). Child abuse is broken down into four major categories: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Aside from the abuse itself, the cost of the tragic events costs the United States billions of dollars each year. Every day, approximately 4 children in the United States die resulting from child abuse and the majority are under 5-years-old (Fromm). There are many organizations that promote preventative measures in reducing child abuse. If nothing is done,
Recently, one of the most alarming problems in America is child abuse. In fact this problem threaten the future of the country which lies in its youth energy and mind because of this problem the society, cannot brought up a generation can be relied upon, but they brought up a generation of criminals do not want anything except the destruction of the society, which was the reason for the demolition of their lives. According to World health organization child abuse is physical, sexual or psychological mistreatment or neglect of a child especially by a parents or caregiver, it may include any act or failure to act by a parents or other caregiver that results in actual or potential harm to a child, and it can occur in a child home, or in the schools or communities that the child interact with. According to (NSPCC 2004) thirty one percent of children experience bullying during childhood. Therefore, it is a critical problem that’s why it is necessary to study it to understand it well together with its causes and effects. This paper will analyze the causes of child abuse, namely domestic violence and substance abuse together with its behavioral and physical effects.