
The Impact of E-Marketing in Today's Business

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The impact of e-marketing to today's businesses
The application of marketing techniques and principles using electronic media or the internet is referred to as e-marketing. The process of marketing a product or service by using the internet is also referred to as e-marketing ADDIN EN.CITE Sheehan2010205(Sheehan, 2010)2052056Sheehan, B.Basics Marketing 02: Online Marketing2010NY 10038Bloomsbury9782940411337 HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_6" o "Sheehan, 2010 #205" Sheehan, 2010). This process will involve direct and indirect marketing elements and will make use of various technologies in connecting the business to its customers. The digital technologies employed in e-marketing complement the traditional marketing methods regardless of the business or company model. However, e-marketing uses the same basic methodologies of marketing. The only thing that has changed is that businesses and companies now have many options. The cost effectiveness and flexibility of e-marketing makes it quite suitable for businesses. Technology has revolutionized the way that businesses are currently marketing their products and services. With social media there have been many in the way the companies and businesses interact with each other. The creation, dissemination, pricing, communication, and promotion of products across the internet and the different platforms found online are the best way to define e-marketing.
Impact of e-marketing

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