
The Impact of Physically Evaluations Attractive Models on Advertising

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The Impact of Physically Attractive Models on Advertising Evaluations Author(s): Michael J. Baker and Gilbert A. Churchill, Jr. Source: Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 14, No. 4 (Nov., 1977), pp. 538-555 Published by: American Marketing Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 02/05/2011 16:36
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The interest is twofold. First, the marketeris interested in understanding perceptualprocess that operates the within the consumer who is evaluating marketing stimuli. If the stimulus is an advertisement,the emphasis is on discovery of the cues people use in responding to the advertisement, the meaning they assign to these cues, and the total impressions they form from the combinationof available cues [33, p. 225]. Second, the marketer is interested in understandingthe relationshipbetween particularproducts and brandsand an individual'sself-concept, i.e., how the consumption of certain products or brands contributes to how others perceive him or her. Having delineateda certain self-concept that he or she wishes to convey to others, the consumer must decide which productsare relevantto conveyingthese self-concepts, and exactly what self-concepts are being conveyed by the use of different brands of the product, or differentproductswithina class of substitutableproducts. Because the study is concerned with the evaluation of marketing communications,furtherdiscussion of the latter point is beyond the scope of this article. For an excellent discussion of the topic, see [33]. People do seem to use physical attractiveness as a cue in making extensive inferences about the personality of others. Miller [21], for example, had subjects

Research Journalof Marketing
Vol. XIV (November 1977), 538-55



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