And now it’s as easy as it is hard to get removed from office as it is to get into via two ways, the first being impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levels charges against a high official of government. Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it is only a formal statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law, and is thus only the first step towards removal. Once an individual is impeached, he or she must then face the possibility of conviction via legislative vote, which then entails the removal of the individual from office. The Constitution defines an impeachable offence as the President, Vice President or any civil officers of The United States of America to be impeached and removed only for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
The house of representatives has the authority to impeach both the president or vice president, if they unjust, or if he or she breaks a law of room
Book Critique of Mike Detty’s Guns Across the Border: How and Why the U.S. Government Smuggled Guns into Mexico
Appointment Power- The authority vested in the president to fill a government office or position. Positions filled by presidential appointment include those in the executive branch and
Firstly, he nominates all federal judges to the trial court, appeal court and Supreme Court. The appeal and Supreme court being the most important two. President George W. Bush made two appointments to the Supreme Court – John Roberts as chief justice in 2005, and Samuel Alito as an associate judge in 2006. By choosing justices whose judicial philosophy matches their own, presidents can hope to mould the outlook of the Court for many years after. It can be argued that the election of these should have been down to a rather more democratic public vote, as it will inevitably be the citizens who will be largely effected by the appointment of these judges. The second is the power of pardon. This is used in times of controversy. In 1974, President Ford pardoned his predecessor, President Nixon, for the crimes that he committed in the ‘Watergate affair’. On the last day of his presidency, President Clinton pardoned 140 people, including Mark Rich, who was a notorious tax fugitive. In contrast, President George W. Bush pardoned only 189 people in 8 years. This supports an effective government as it removes any members of Congress who may be corrupt and not doing their jobs properly.
This gave him the dubious distinction of being the first elected U.S. President to be impeached.
In 1868, the U.S. Senate hears the impeachment charges against President Andrew Johnson. The trial, organized by the Senate in March, listening carefully on issues surrounding Johnson's post-Civil War Reconstruction policy and about his reasoning's as why he fired the Secretary of War. The Senate selected to find President Andrew Johnson as not guilty; by a vote of 35 guilty to 19 not guilty. (One ballot short needed to convict Johnson.) In a 1926 case, the Supreme Court stated that the Tenure of Office Act had been worthless.
With rumors of impeachment beginning to circulate, Nixon finally agreed to turn over the subpoenaed White House tapes. The committee listened to the recordings and discovered an 18-minute gap on one of the tapes. It was surmised that someone had erased part of the tape, but investigators were unable to determine exactly what had happened. In March 1974, seven former presidential aides were indicted on charges of conspiracy to hinder the Watergate investigation, and Nixon was named as an unindicted co-conspirator. On July 24, the Supreme Court voted unanimously to order Nixon to release the rest of the White House recordings, considering them evidence in the case that came to be known as the United States v. Nixon.
The impeachment of President Andrew Johnson was the consequence of political clash and the crack of belief systems in the result of the American Civil War. It emerged from uncompromised convictions and a challenge for control in a country battling with reunification.
Article II, Section IV of the United States Constitution states that: “The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Throughout the course of American history, past Presidents have committed actions that have brought up the discussion and even started the process of impeachment from holding office. In the chapter “Impeachment in the Constitutional Order” by Jeffery K. Tulis, he talks about the differences between the legalistic and political interpretations of impeachment and how to properly use the process in a successful manner. Tulis states “how and why the impeachment process, far from politically irrelevant, is a vital attribute of the theoretical architecture of a well- functioning separation of powers regime” (Tulis 229).
The requirements for Senators are an interesting point in the Constitution, and it surprises me that they remain identical to this day. Each senator serves for six years. It's interesting that each elected Senator serves for three times as long as a Representative and for two years more than the President, without re-election of course. Senators are required to be five years older than Representatives, but five years younger than the president, and they are also responsible for the Impeachment process.
compromises both the act of formulating the accusation and the resulting trial of charges; it is
Upon first observation of this cartoon, I notice the obvious that race is in question. Not just because the word is in the caption, but the characters depict this as well. Strapped down is a black man which represents the 109 executions of the 254 since 1976 according to The Death Penalty Information Center. The white character standing above him representing the majority white justice system of Texas. Not only is he asking if his race played a part by raising a hand that has been totally immobilized. I take this to mean that once a black man is in the system, the fairness he deserves is taken away because of the color of his skin. Without education and resources, it’s like being silenced. And to add insult to injury, the smirk on the officials
It is the characters that make a story and they are what convey the feeling needed for the message contained in the story. Any great writing that contains characters provides their full, rounded personalities. These personal descriptions are averaged to form the classification of each person introduced. The “good guys,” the “bad guys” and all the other titles are classifications. In example, there were many types of characters in Elie Wiesel’s “Night.” Among these are the main protagonists, antagonists, and prophetic characters.
I am sad to inform you that an impeachment request has been filed against you. Under Article XI of the Wiley College Constitution section 1 the Dereliction of duty which shall be defined as any act or acts, failure or failures to act by an officer of the Student Government Association which may be considered inimical to the authority, purpose or prestige of the Student Government Association as defined in this constitution may constitute grounds for initiation of impeachment
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth” (Abraham Lincoln). The powers of impeachment are exclusive to the legislatives. Many are opposed to this idea of politicians being able to trump the votes of the people for who is and who isn't in power. Dilma’s trial made clear to me that the separation of powers in Brazil and for that matter the rest of the world are never going to be perfect as Hobbes is right, people are at the mercy of their rulers selfishness, it’s human nature. Temer and Cunha wanted the top job as Brazilian president and vice-president because they are personally invested (realists). Therefore the coup isn't a fragment of Rousseff’s imagination or a piece of fiction. It’s got