
The Implications Of Using ALOS

Satisfactory Essays

The ALOS refers to the average number of days that patients spend in hospital. It is generally measured by dividing the total number of days stayed by all inpatients during a year by the number of admissions or discharges OECD, 2016). The focus of ALOS is to able to pinpoint ways to improve the quality of healthcare services, therefore it does not include patients that was admitted and discharged the same day because.
Factors that should be considered while using ALOS includes:
• Patient demographic such as age which could affect the length of stay
• Patient state at arrival: this shows if the patient planned the admission or it was a case of emergency. According to Healthcare Analysis and Forecasting, the financial risk associated with emergency admissions is up to 3-times higher than due to chance variation alone. There are considerable implications to the longer-term bed requirements of hospitals, to health care costs, commissioning and financial risk. We should also consider if they are coming in with one or more conditions.
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We must also consider where they will be discharged to.
If I was presented with a report that compared my program's ALOS to another program's ALOS, my questions to ensure an accurate comparison would be:

• Is the patient coming from a different hospital or from home?
• How severe is their condition?
• Was it an emergency or

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